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发布时间:2018-03-14 07:31

  本文选题:SCP分析范式 切入点:市场结构 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:商业银行一直以来都是我国社会融资体系的核心,是国民经济高速发展的一股中坚力量,因此其经营效率和绩效表现对于我国经济持续稳定健康发展具有重要影响。我国现代商业银行体系建立过程中的特定历史背景因素导致银行业呈高集中度寡头垄断的市场结构。基于产业组织学理论的SCP分析范式对我国商业银行市场结构、效率和绩效的相关性分析成为国内学者的研究热点。由于上海是我国历来的经济金融发达地区,银行竞争环境市场化程度较高,本文以上海市商业银行作为研究对象进行市场结构、效率和绩效的相关关系研究,对于我国和区域商业银行发展具有重要的理论指导意义和现实借鉴意义。 国外学者运用SCP分析框架对银行市场结构、效率和绩效关系问题做了大量研究,并提出了市场力量假说和效率结构假说。市场力量假说认为绩效由市场力量决定,而市场力量又来自高集中度的市场结构。效率结构假说则认为是效率决定了市场结构和绩效,市场结构和绩效之间不存在直接联系。国内学者对我国商业银行进行考察的结果对两种假说的成立都不支持。 本文选取了行业集中度指标(CRn)和赫芬达尔指标(HHI)来测度上海市商业银行的市场结构;并运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)对其效率进行定量分析;然后选取绩效指标对银行进行绩效评价;最后,文章运用Berger经典检验模型对上海市商业银行市场结构、效率和绩效进行了回归分析。文章发现,上海市商业银行业为中等集中度的寡占型市场结构,并且行业集中度呈持续下降的趋势,四大国有商业银行综合效率和规模效率水平高于其他股份制商业银行。回归估计结果显示市场结构对银行绩效不存在显著的影响,银行效率越高则其绩效表现越好,规模效率高的银行相应具备更大的市场份额,支持了上海市商业银行中效率结构假说的成立,而不支持市场力量假说。 本文认为,由于上海具有较为成熟的市场竞争环境,四大国有银行的集中度和全国相比有所降低,使其突破了“规模不当”对绩效的抑制影响。随着上海市商业银行业经营环境的市场化程度逐渐加深,效率成为四大国有银行和股份制银行相互竞争的越来越重要的关键因素。在此基础上,文章结合我国国情对于商业银行业的发展提出了两点政策建议,一是推进利率市场化,二是继续放宽银行的市场准入限制,丰富产权结构形式,完善多元化多层次金融市场体系,以健全完善我国商业银行的市场竞争机制,提高银行的经营效率和盈利能力,增强银行的金融中介功能从而促进我国和上海的经济持续健康稳定发展。
[Abstract]:Commercial banks have always been the core of our country's social financing system and the backbone of the rapid development of the national economy. Therefore, its management efficiency and performance have an important impact on the sustained, stable and healthy development of our economy. The specific historical background factors in the establishment of the modern commercial banking system in China lead to a high concentration of oligopoly in the banking industry. The market structure of China's commercial banks, based on the SCP analysis paradigm based on the theory of industrial organization, The correlation analysis of efficiency and performance has become the research hotspot of domestic scholars. As Shanghai is a developed region of economy and finance in China, the degree of marketization of the competitive environment of banks is relatively high. This paper takes Shanghai Commercial Bank as the research object to study the relationship among market structure, efficiency and performance, which has important theoretical and practical significance for the development of commercial banks in China and the region. Foreign scholars have done a lot of research on the relationship among market structure, efficiency and performance of banks by using the SCP analysis framework, and put forward the hypothesis of market power and efficiency structure. The hypothesis of market forces holds that performance is determined by market forces. Moreover, market power comes from the market structure with high concentration. The efficiency structure hypothesis holds that efficiency determines market structure and performance. There is no direct relationship between market structure and performance. The results of domestic scholars' investigation on Chinese commercial banks do not support the establishment of the two hypotheses. This paper selects industry concentration index (CRN) and Herfindahl index (HHI) to measure the market structure of Shanghai Commercial Bank, and uses data Envelopment Analysis (DEAA) to analyze its efficiency quantitatively. Then select the performance indicators to evaluate the performance of banks. Finally, the paper uses the Berger classic test model to analyze the market structure, efficiency and performance of Shanghai commercial banks. The commercial banking industry in Shanghai is an oligopolistic market structure with medium concentration, and the industry concentration is decreasing continuously. The comprehensive efficiency and scale efficiency of the four state-owned commercial banks are higher than those of other joint-stock commercial banks. The regression analysis shows that the market structure has no significant effect on the bank performance, and the higher the bank efficiency, the better the bank performance. The banks with high scale efficiency have a larger market share, which supports the hypothesis of efficiency structure in Shanghai commercial banks, but not the hypothesis of market forces. This paper holds that due to the relatively mature market competition environment in Shanghai, the concentration of the four state-owned banks is lower than that of the whole country. It breaks through the influence of "inappropriate scale" on performance. With the deepening of the marketization of the commercial banking environment in Shanghai, Efficiency has become a more and more important factor in the competition between the four state-owned banks and the joint-stock banks. On this basis, this paper puts forward two policy suggestions for the development of commercial banks in the light of our country's national conditions, one is to promote the marketization of interest rates, and the other is to promote the marketization of interest rates. Second, continue to relax the restrictions on market access for banks, enrich the forms of property rights structure, improve the diversified and multi-level financial market system, improve the market competition mechanism of Chinese commercial banks, and improve the operating efficiency and profitability of banks. To enhance the financial intermediation function of banks to promote the sustained and healthy economic development of China and Shanghai.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 陈敬学;中国银行业市场结构与市场绩效的实证分析[J];统计研究;2004年05期

2 谢朝华,段军山;基于DEA方法的我国商业银行X-效率研究[J];中国管理科学;2005年04期




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