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发布时间:2018-03-15 18:11

  本文选题:会计准则趋同 切入点:强制性制度变迁 出处:《财会月刊》2015年13期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Under the situation that the international convergence of accounting standards has been established and the standards of our country have been continuously revised, there are still many disputes about the convergence of accounting standards. Firstly, this paper clarifies the "mandatory convergence" dispute with the relevant theory of institutional change. That is, the international convergence of accounting standards belongs to the inductive institutional changes in theory, and then the international convergence of accounting standards is brought into the category of mandatory changes of accounting systems in China. Considering the merits and demerits of different institutional changes and the actual situation, this paper makes further reflection on the challenge of "mandatory convergence": from the international perspective, the cost and externality of negotiation based on induced institutional change are discussed. This paper reminds the "asymmetry" of benefit distribution in the process of induced convergence of accounting standards. In the domestic field of view, the change of compulsory system violates the principle of unanimous agreement. In the process of mandatory convergence of accounting standards, the relationship between the supply of government system, the demand of basic level and the efficiency of execution is examined, and the research enlightenment is obtained.
【作者单位】: 国家电网公司辽宁省电力有限公司;国家电网公司辽阳供电公司;


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