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发布时间:2018-03-15 19:51

  本文选题:工程设计咨询企业 切入点:项目管理 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:一、研究背景 本人所在公司系外资背景的工程设计咨询企业,日常经营以项目为单位进行管理和核算,在项目管理方面引入了国外工程设计咨询行业的相关管理经验,但由于国内客户和设计咨询师与国外有较大差异,所以在实际推行项目管理过程中仍有许多不足:项目经理编制项目预算不够认真,不结合项目本身实际情况分析填列项目支出预算;在项目实际执行过程中只对项目进度和技术关注,对项目成本费用支出和项目绩效评价关注不够。这种项目管理方式存在着诸多缺陷,例如无法准确了解项目实际盈亏状况,无法考核项目经理项目管理水平,无法形成对项目完整的评价体系等。虽然目前对我国工程设计咨询行业项目管理有一些研究,但目前还没有形成被工程设计咨询行业普遍接受的项目管理体系。 二、研究目的 本文研究目的是希望通过对工程设计咨询企业特点及其项目管理现状的分析,从工程设计咨询企业的角度出发,构建项目管理体系,以提高工程设计咨询企业项目管理水平,提升工程设计咨询企业竞争力。 三、主要内容 第一章、导论。介绍本文的研究背景、研究目的、研究内容、研究思路及研究解决的问题和预期达到的效果。 第二章、工程设计咨询企业项目管理的理论分析。介绍项目管理的概念和内容,项目管理和工程设计咨询企业的特点,由此提出了工程设计咨询企业项目管理的重要性和基本框架 第三章、WR公司项目管理现状。通过对WR公司企业情况简介,阐述WR公司项目管理体系的构建情况,介绍WR公司如何运用项目预算管理、项目控制管理和项目绩效管理,实现提升项目管理水平,提高公司竞争力。 第四章、项目预算管理。阐述项目预算管理理论研究,介绍WR公司在项目预算管理中的实际运用情况。 第五章、项目控制管理。阐述项目控制管理理论研究,介绍WR公司在项目控制管理中的实际运用情况。 第六章、项目绩效管理。阐述项目绩效管理理论研究,介绍WR公司在项目绩效管理中的实际运用情况。 第七章、工程程设计咨询企业的项目管理在实施中需要具备的条件和注意的问题。介绍工程设计咨询企业的项目管理在实施中需要具备的条件:管理层支持,拥有合格的项目经理,全员参与,建立信息化管理系统,建立完整的绩效考核机制。工程设计咨询企业的项目管理在实施中需要注意的问题:注意在项目管理中的及时沟通,重视在项目管理结束后对评估结果的原因分析。 四、主要贡献 通过对目前得到广泛使用的各种项目管理方法及其优缺点加以评价,对工程设计咨询企业特点及其项目管理现状加以分析,搏取众家之长,建立以项目预算管理为指导思想,结合项目控制管理和项目绩效管理,遵照科学合理、便于操作的原则,构建工程设计咨询业的项目管理体系,该体系可以为我国工程设计咨询企业项目管理提供参考。
[Abstract]:First, research background
The background of foreign company where I Department of engineering design and consulting enterprise, daily business management and accounting units of the project, the management experience of foreign engineering design consulting industry is introduced in the project management, but because there is great difference between domestic and foreign customers and design consultants, so in the actual implementation of the project management process is still many problems: the project manager to prepare the project budget seriously enough, not combined with the actual situation of project itself listed with the project expenditure budget; in the actual implementation process of project progress and technology concern, the project cost expenditure and project performance evaluation is not concerned enough. This project management way has many defects, such as unable to accurately understand the project the actual loss condition, to examine the project manager of the project management level, can not form a complete evaluation system of the project. Although. There are some studies on project management of engineering design consulting industry in China, but the project management system, which is generally accepted by the engineering design consulting industry, has not yet been formed.
Two, the purpose of the study
The purpose of this paper is to hope that through the analysis of engineering design and consulting enterprise characteristics and the status of project management, starting from the engineering design and consulting enterprise perspective, construction project management system, to improve the level of project management of engineering design consultation enterprises, enhance the engineering design consultation enterprises competitiveness.
Three, the main content
The first chapter, introduction, introduces the background of the study, the purpose of the study, the content of the research, the research ideas and the problems to be solved and the expected results.
The second chapter is the theoretical analysis of project management in engineering design consulting enterprises. It introduces the concept and content of project management, the characteristics of project management and engineering design consulting enterprises, and puts forward the importance and basic framework of project management in engineering design consulting enterprises.
The third chapter, the current situation of project management of WR company. Based on the WR company's brief introduction, this paper expounds the construction project management system of WR company, WR company introduced how to use the project budget management, project management and control project performance management, improve project management level, improve the competitiveness of the company.
The fourth chapter, project budget management, expounds the research of project budget management theory, and introduces the actual application of WR company in project budget management.
The fifth chapter, the project control management, expounds the research of the project control management theory, and introduces the actual application of WR company in the project control management.
The sixth chapter, project performance management, expounds the theoretical research of project performance management, and introduces the actual application of WR company in the project performance management.
The seventh chapter, project management, engineering design and consulting enterprise need to pay attention to the conditions and problems in the implementation. The project management of engineering design consultation enterprises need to have in the implementation of the conditions: management support, have qualified project manager, full participation, the establishment of an information management system, establish a complete performance appraisal mechanism project management of engineering design consultation enterprises need to pay attention to the problem in the implementation: pay attention to timely communication in project management, pay attention to the cause analysis of the evaluation results of the project management in the end.
Four, the main contribution
To evaluate the project management through a variety of widely used methods of the advantages and disadvantages of engineering design and consulting enterprise characteristics and project management status analysis, get the house long, to establish the project budget management as the guiding ideology, combined with the project management and the project performance management, follow the scientific and reasonable construction, convenient operation principle. Engineering design consulting industry project management system, this system can provide reference for project management of our engineering design consulting enterprise.



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1 何轶彬,陈晓彬,金和平,何文;工程项目成本/进度综合控制方法及应用[J];中国三峡建设;2001年07期




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