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发布时间:2018-03-21 06:29

  本文选题:云计算 切入点:云会计 出处:《中国流通经济》2015年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The construction of accounting informatization is the focus of accounting reform and development. Cloud accounting, as an infrastructure and service of accounting informatization based on cloud computing technology and concept, has received more and more attention. The cloud accounting service in Japan is still in the initial stage of development, although its initial time is almost the same as that in China, and although it also faces many problems that need to be solved, it has in some respects come to the front of our country. The cloud accounting service platform construction is actually a kind of market behavior, because the market of cloud computing application in enterprise accounting service is large enough. Enterprises with stronger capital and technology can develop first, while enterprises with weaker strengths can integrate resources and develop jointly. Secondly, traditional accounting software can be gradually upgraded to cloud accounting services. The construction of cloud accounting service platform can only be aimed at certain customer groups, which can save development time and capital cost without hindering future service upgrading and diversification. Third, in order to promote and support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, We can adopt policies and measures in favor of SMEs in the use of cloud services, encourage SMEs to make active use of cloud services, focus on cultivating the market demand of cloud services for SMEs, and indirectly promote the development and growth of cloud service providers; fourth, The single cloud accounting service market is limited in scale, its service object will be concentrated in the small and medium-sized enterprises gradually, the construction cloud accounting service platform must grasp the market localization.
【作者单位】: 北京物资学院商学院;


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