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发布时间:2018-03-28 08:54

  本文选题:可持续发展能力 切入点:协调性 出处:《四川农业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the complex market environment, according to the changes of the internal and external environment of the enterprise to seek long-term survival and development, to explore the effective ways and countermeasures to adapt to the changes in the environment, It is of great significance to realize the sustainable and harmonious development within the system. In the developing countries in the process of industrialization, the automobile industry in China involves a wide range of areas, has a high degree of correlation, has a large consumption pull, and develops the automobile industry to promote employment. It is of great significance to promote technological progress and upgrade the industrial structure. This paper analyzes the financial situation of automobile manufacturing listed companies from four dimensions of debt service and growth ability. (2) using BP neural network method to study the static and dynamic coordination ability among the financial subsystems of listed companies in automobile manufacturing industry. The structural equation model empirically analyzes the financial sustainable development ability of listed companies in automobile manufacturing industry based on the growth gap. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) the ability of financial sustainable development of automobile manufacturing listed companies is on the low side. Among them, 56.46% of the research samples show excessive growth, 43.54% of which show insufficient growth. The reasons for the result are in turn the profitability, the operating capacity, the path coefficient. There is no obvious law of static coordination among the indexes of financial sustainable development of automobile manufacturing listed companies. The most uncoordinated is debt service and growth ability, followed by debt service and profitability, profitability and growth ability. It reflects that the rapid growth of automobile manufacturing listed companies has aggravated the contradiction between capital demand and supply, thus indirectly affecting the cash flow, dividend policy and retained earnings, that is, affecting the growth ability of the enterprises. The biggest is profit and the whole, the smallest is debt service and growth ability, while the most fluctuating is debt service and operation ability, which reflects the great variation of coordination value in each year, while the smallest one is debt service and growth ability, which shows that the degree of coordination between years varies little. 3) growth. The dynamic coordination degree between profitability and solvency is on the track of coordinated development between 2001 and 2011, but there is no obvious coordinated development track among other subsystems. The four subsystems and the whole are all fluctuating at the boundary point of uncoordinated and basic uncoordinated 0.5; The dynamic coordination degree between operation ability and the whole, the decreasing inverse coordinated development track, the dynamic coordination between profit and growth ability and the overall dynamic coordination between 2001 and 2011, is on the track of rising coordination and development. But the trajectory of coordination between profitability and the whole is more obvious than that between growth and the whole, the debt service, the growth, the profitability and the whole, the debt service and the profitability, The operation and profitability are on the track of continuous coordinated development in 2001-2011. It reflects the expansion of the scale of the automobile manufacturing industry, the increase of the industrial capital demand, the contradiction between solvency and profitability, and the dynamic growth and profitability. The contradiction of debt-paying ability is continuously optimized, and it is on the track of harmonious development.


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