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发布时间:2018-03-30 11:26

  本文选题:预算绩效 切入点:影响因素 出处:《湘潭大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of the reform of socialist market economic system, the mode of government economic management has gradually changed from leading mode to participatory type, and the financial management has changed from construction type to public type. This requires the establishment of a new budget management system. The development of the budget performance evaluation of the people's Bank of China is not only conducive to improving the theory of public finance and speeding up the process of government financial reform, but also provides an objective basis for government decision-making. In this paper, the necessity of the implementation of budget performance and the connotation and composition of budget performance evaluation are expounded from the domestic and international environment of implementing budget performance in China. On the basis of analyzing the scale and structure of the SG people's Bank's budget, the paper summarizes the problems existing in the budget performance of SG people's Bank. At the same time, Design the questionnaire of the influencing factors of the people's Bank of China's Budget performance Evaluation, get the influencing factors of the budget performance evaluation, including: the particularity of personal performance, the inertia mode of budget management, Then, according to the basic steps of budget performance evaluation, the evaluation index system including 3 primary indicators and 13 secondary indicators is designed. Based on the evaluation index system, the author evaluates it comprehensively. From the result of empirical analysis, the budget performance level of SG central branch of the people's Bank of China is improving day by day, but it pays too much attention to the effect of budget implementation. In addition, the SG downtown branch of the people's Bank of China has greatly enhanced its ability to ensure the budget implementation process from the aspects of management system, financial system and personnel security. Finally, Suggesting that the SG downtown branch of the people's Bank of China should be based on the institutional mechanism, The implementation plan and evaluation method should be applied to budget performance evaluation. It is necessary to establish the work plan of budget performance evaluation as soon as possible to improve the level of financial management and performance evaluation. This paper has three innovations: first, it is an analysis. The factors influencing the budget performance of the people's Bank of China, In order to carry out the related research of budget performance evaluation, can dig from a deeper perspective, sum up and analyze the relevant reasons, provide the basis for the actual government departments budget performance operation; second, use factor analysis method to determine the indicators, At the same time, the quantitative index empowerment method is adopted to build the evaluation index system of budget performance in combination with the actual situation of SG branch of the people's Bank of China to ensure the feasibility and testability of the index system. Third, on the basis of empirical analysis, According to the actual situation of SG downtown branch of the people's Bank of China, a set of systematic work plan of budget performance evaluation is designed in order to be used by the evaluation staff in the city, and the work of budget performance evaluation can really be achieved.


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