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发布时间:2018-03-30 11:49

  本文选题:村镇银行 切入点:盈利能力 出处:《山西财经大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:“三农”问题一直是国家关注的重点问题。近年来,随着新农村建设和农村城镇化步伐的加速,农村金融资源的供给显得越来越不足,严重阻碍了我国现代化建设的步伐,为此国家出台了一系列政策,适度放宽农村地区金融机构的准入。2007年,在政府的大力支持和推动下,设立了新型农村金融机构——村镇银行,并且规模和数量迅速增加,取得了令人瞩目的成效,成为我国新型农村金融机构的重要组成部分。 村镇银行属于公司制金融机构,拥有独立的企业法人资格。股权结构作为村镇银行制度的核心组成部分,对其盈利能力产生重要影响。现阶段,我国村镇银行实行主发起行制度,股权结构高度集中,造成筹资来源单一;大部分村镇银行依附于主发起行,独立性丧失,偏离市场定位,自主创新能力不足,这些都是现阶段我国村镇银行存在的问题。 本文在对村镇银行概念简要阐述的基础上,着重对本文的研究重点——盈利能力与股权结构进行了详尽解读,并对股权结构与盈利能力二者之间的关系进行了阐述。随后,通过对当前我国村镇银行盈利能力与股权结构现状进行分析,得出村镇银行在盈利能力与股权结构方面存在的问题,同时还得出了股权结构现状对盈利能力的影响。为使得阐述更加明晰和有说服力,本文选取山西省内16家村镇银行作为研究样本,运用多元线性回归模型,对股权结构与盈利能力之间的关系进行了实证研究。借鉴国内外金融机构股权结构与盈利能力的经验,,最后,根据结论,对我国村镇银行如何完善股权结构,提高盈利能力提出切实可行的建议措施,既要合理构建适度集中的股权结构,同时又要保证股权结构形式多样;而且也要国家为村镇银行的发展创造一适宜的发展环境。
[Abstract]:The issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers has always been the focus of national attention.In recent years, with the acceleration of new rural construction and rural urbanization, the supply of rural financial resources is becoming more and more insufficient, which seriously hinders the pace of our country's modernization. For this reason, the country has issued a series of policies.In 2007, with the support and promotion of the government, a new type of rural financial institution, Village and Town Bank, was set up, and the scale and quantity of it increased rapidly, and remarkable results were achieved.It has become an important part of new rural financial institutions in China.The village bank belongs to the company system financial institution, has the independent enterprise legal person qualification.As the core part of the village bank system, equity structure has an important influence on its profitability.At this stage, the village bank of our country implements the system of the main initiating bank, the ownership structure is highly concentrated, resulting in a single source of financing; most of the village banks depend on the main initiating bank, lose their independence, deviate from the market orientation, and lack the ability of independent innovation.These are the problems existing in the village banks of our country at the present stage.On the basis of a brief description of the concept of village bank, this paper focuses on the detailed interpretation of the research focus of this paper-profitability and equity structure, and expounds the relationship between equity structure and profitability.Then, by analyzing the current situation of profitability and equity structure of village banks in China, the problems in profitability and equity structure of village banks are obtained, and the influence of the status quo of equity structure on profitability is also obtained.In order to make the explanation more clear and persuasive, this paper selects 16 village banks in Shanxi Province as the research sample, and makes an empirical study on the relationship between equity structure and profitability by using multiple linear regression model.Based on the experience of domestic and foreign financial institutions' equity structure and profitability, and finally, according to the conclusion, the paper puts forward some practical suggestions on how to improve the ownership structure and improve the profitability of our country's village and town banks.It is not only necessary to reasonably construct a moderately concentrated equity structure, but also to ensure that the ownership structure is diversified, and that the country should create a suitable development environment for the development of village banks.


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