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发布时间:2018-03-31 19:32

  本文选题:医药行业 切入点:上市公司 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of our economy, environmental pollution, food safety, protection of employees' rights and interests and other social problems, the government and the public have paid attention to the environmental protection, resource consumption, product quality and safety of our country. As an important individual of national economy, enterprises should not only seek to create economic benefits, but also pay attention to the fulfillment and disclosure of social responsibility. The disclosure of corporate social responsibility information is paid more and more attention by all walks of life. It is a necessary way for stakeholders to understand the current situation of protecting their own rights and interests, and is also an important means for public supervision of corporate social responsibility performance since 2013. China has successively introduced a number of policies to rectify and reform the pharmaceutical industry, including controlling the costs of various links, the system of bad records of commercial bribery, the "blacklist" system of drugs, and the hygiene practice of nine non-allowed. The state violates the law against the pharmaceutical industry. The punishment of violation is more severe than before, which also reflects the determination of our country to improve the performance of social responsibility in pharmaceutical industry. The main idea of this paper is to adopt the combination of theoretical research and statistical analysis of the current situation of the disclosure of social responsibility information in the pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, combined with the theory of "stakeholder" and "triple bottom line", the number and time of three common ways of disclosing social responsibility in the industry, Through the research of standardization and difference, the author draws the conclusion that there is a lack of standard, insufficient content and lack of industry index in the disclosure of social responsibility information of listed companies in the pharmaceutical industry in China. The root of these problems is lack of policy restriction, enterprises pay less attention to social responsibility, and the supervision ability of all parties is insufficient. Finally, this paper starts from the point of view of pertinence and feasibility. Some suggestions on how to improve the disclosure of social responsibility information in pharmaceutical industry are put forward. It is of practical significance to explore the current situation and mode of social responsibility information disclosure in this industry.


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