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发布时间:2018-04-02 21:48

  本文选题:新疆 切入点:工业番茄 出处:《石河子大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:番茄加工品在全球市场有着十分广泛的需求,主要是营养价值相比其他产品更高。随着世界经济全球化进程的加快,近年来世界番茄产品贸易规模呈不断扩大趋势,特别是新鲜番茄和番茄酱贸易量增速迅猛。从世界蔬菜生产来看,番茄已经成为蔬菜类中产量最高的蔬菜品种。从历年来世界蔬菜贸易规模来看,番茄产品贸易量已跃居世界第三。因此,番茄生产在世界农业生产和贸易中占有举足轻重的地位。新疆番茄产业是一个正在茁壮成长的红色产业。自治区政府把扩大番茄种植面积作为农民增收的重要手段。与此同时,加大力气扶持番茄加工企业,新疆成为我国番茄酱最大的出口产区之一。本研究成果将会在一定程度丰富关于工业番茄产业成本收益的理论内容,并且希望能在政府制定番茄产业相关的政策时提供一定的参考。因此通过多种统计分析方法对新疆番茄生产成本收益情况、成本构成要素及其影响因素进行系统研究,寻求降低生产成本、增加农民收益的途径,对提高新疆番茄国际竞争力、增加番茄种植户收益,进而稳定和发展我国番茄产业具有特殊的意义。 本文首先是使用统计分析的方式对历年来工业番茄种植的投入、产出、收益数据进行了分析,发现番茄的种植成本和费用在不断上涨,但是直接费用所占总成本比例越来越大,说明种植是趋向合理的。通过对比各项投入要素,发现人工成本占有的比重很大。通过连续替代法发现近八年来,番茄产值的增长的贡献部分原因是产量增长,但是主要原因是价格增长,由于价格是外生变量,所以单纯从农民角度提高农户收益,就主要是降低成本,提高产量。本文将工业番茄和粮经作物(玉米、棉花、酿酒葡萄)从成本、收益角度进行了对比,发现发现番茄并不具备较强的种植优势。 在选取样本区后,持续的对样本区进行调研,收集、整理数据。通过分析发现,兵团的番茄平均亩产量不是最高,但是产量的变异系数较小,比较稳定。地方的番茄平均产量不同的地区有的高于兵团有的低于兵团,整体的产量变异系数较大,产量波动较大。兵团的成本要高于地方的成本。通过计量分析发现,化肥对于增产效果明显。滴灌的产量显著高于漫灌。在番茄种植成本中,采摘成本占总成本的比重很大。销售过程中的效率损失也十分严重,农户收益好坏往往是不在于种的好坏,主要还是看销售的过程中是否损失严重。
[Abstract]:Tomato processing products have a wide range of demand in the global market, mainly because of higher nutritional value than other products.With the acceleration of the globalization of the world economy, the trade scale of tomato products in the world has been expanding in recent years, especially the volume of fresh tomato and ketchup is increasing rapidly.According to the world vegetable production, tomato has become the most productive vegetable variety.According to the scale of the world vegetable trade over the years, tomato products trade volume has leapt to the third place in the world.Therefore, tomato production plays an important role in world agricultural production and trade.Xinjiang tomato industry is a thriving red industry.The autonomous region government to expand tomato planting area as an important means of increasing farmers' income.At the same time, increasing efforts to support tomato processing enterprises, Xinjiang has become one of the largest tomato sauce export areas.The results of this study will enrich the theory of industrial tomato industry cost and benefit to a certain extent, and hope to provide some reference when the government formulates the tomato industry related policy.In order to improve the international competitiveness of Xinjiang tomato, this paper systematically studies the production cost, cost components and its influencing factors of tomato production through various statistical analysis methods, in order to find ways to reduce production cost and increase farmers' income, so as to improve the international competitiveness of Xinjiang tomato.It is of special significance to increase the income of tomato growers and to stabilize and develop tomato industry in China.In this paper, the data of input, output and income of industrial tomato planting over the years are analyzed by means of statistical analysis. It is found that the planting cost and cost of tomato are rising continuously, but the direct cost accounts for more and more of the total cost.It shows that planting is reasonable.By comparing the input elements, it is found that the proportion of labor cost is very large.Through the method of continuous substitution, it is found that the contribution of tomato output growth in the past eight years is partly due to the increase of production, but the main reason is the increase of price. As price is an exogenous variable, therefore, the farmers' income is simply raised from the perspective of farmers.It is mainly to reduce costs and increase output.In this paper, industrial tomato and grain crops (corn, cotton, wine grape) are compared from the point of view of cost and benefit. It is found that tomato does not have strong planting advantage.After the sample area is selected, the sample area is continuously investigated, collected and collated.It was found that the average yield per mu of bingtuan tomato was not the highest, but the coefficient of variation of yield was small and stable.The average yield of tomato in different areas was higher than that in the bingtuan and some was lower than that in the bingtuan. The coefficient of variation of the whole yield was large and the yield fluctuated greatly.The cost of the Corps is higher than that of the localities.Through the measurement analysis, it is found that the effect of chemical fertilizer on increasing production is obvious.The yield of drip irrigation was significantly higher than that of flooding irrigation.In the cost of tomato planting, picking cost accounts for a large proportion of the total cost.


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