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发布时间:2018-04-03 03:02

  本文选题:挖潜增效 切入点:单井成本 出处:《会计之友》2013年32期

[Abstract]:The current market competition is the competition of product quality and service quality, but also the competition of cost. Only by constantly tapping potential and increasing efficiency, can fine cost management realize "cost optimization and profit maximization", and ensure the sustainable development of oilfield science.For petroleum engineering plates, especially drilling companies, single well income is the main source of drilling revenue, and single well cost expenditure is also an important source of cost expenditure.Directly determine the level of profit, the overall efficiency of the company has a crucial impact.In recent years, Huanghe drilling Corporation has been making the management of single well cost as the most important part of cost control. In the process of operation and management, the Huanghe drilling Company has been working closely around the management bureau.The "drilling single well cost budget management information system" has been vigorously implemented. In the process of application of the system, a "single well cost closed loop fine management model" has been summarized and refined, which integrates "budget, control, analysis and assessment", and through the formulation of budget objectives,Strengthen the cost process control management and carry out cost control analysis to achieve the budget assessment goal, which has an important guiding role and popularizing value for fine cost management, fine cost control and better balance of income and expenditure.
【作者单位】: 胜利石油管理局黄河钻井总公司;


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