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发布时间:2018-04-07 16:27

  本文选题:高等学校 切入点:筹资方式 出处:《河南科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育大众化是我国高等教育发展的必然趋势,,十多年来,随着我国高等教育的快速扩张,教育经费需求剧增。《中华人民共和国教育法》规定:“国家建立以财政拨款为主,其他多种渠道筹集教育经费为辅的体制”,使得高等教育经费开始多元筹资。高等院校由于自身的行业属性和非营利性特点,外源性融资方式受到诸多限制,财政拨款仍然是高校最主要的资金来源。高校所处地区的经济发展状况和政府对教育的重视程度决定了财政资金的支持力度。拓宽融资渠道、盘活资金成为高等院校持续发展的财务战略之一。 本文对位于我国中部省份的HKD大学的筹资问题进行研究,从高等学校筹资的基本理论入手,分析了HKD大学的筹资现状和特点,并对该校筹资方式的优劣势、机会和挑战进行SWOT分析,主要包括:学科优势及地缘优势、社会声誉优势、闲置资产变现等优势;财政拨款方式转变给高校造成影响、偿还银行贷款本息数额巨大、投资项目变现能力差等劣势;国家教育优先发展的战略、闲置土地的升值空间等机遇;当前银根紧缩、固定资产变现的政策因素等挑战。根据上述分析,提出构建适合HKD大学发展的筹资渠道,主要有:如何合理运用闲置资产,做强校办产业,扩大科研收入,加强联合办学,扩大学费收入规模,充分挖掘校友资源、增加捐赠收入,与其他金融机构加强合作,保持适度负债水平。 本文主要通过文献资料的研读,结合HKD大学实际情况,运用定性分析法,借助经济学、管理学、教育学等相关学科的基础知识,理论联系实际,使研究成果具有实践操作性。
[Abstract]:The popularization of higher education is an inevitable trend in the development of higher education in China. In the past ten years, with the rapid expansion of higher education in China, the demand for educational funds has increased dramatically.The system of raising funds for education through other channels "makes higher education funds start to raise money in multiple ways."Because of their own industry attribute and non-profit characteristics, the external financing mode is restricted, and the financial allocation is still the main source of funds for colleges and universities.The state of economic development and the degree of attention paid by the government to education determine the support of financial funds.Widening financing channels and activating funds has become one of the financial strategies for the sustainable development of colleges and universities.This paper studies the financing problem of HKD University in the central province of China, starting with the basic theory of college financing, analyzes the current situation and characteristics of the financing of HKD University, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the financing mode of HKD University.The opportunities and challenges are analyzed by SWOT, including the advantages of discipline and geography, social reputation, the realization of idle assets, and so on.The disadvantages such as poor realization ability of investment projects, the strategy of national education priority development, the space for the appreciation of idle land, the current tight monetary situation, the policy factors of realizing fixed assets, and so on.According to the above analysis, the paper puts forward how to construct the financing channel suitable for the development of HKD university, which includes: how to make rational use of idle assets, how to strengthen the school industry, how to expand the income of scientific research, how to strengthen the joint school running, and how to expand the scale of tuition fee income.Fully tap alumni resources, increase donor income, strengthen cooperation with other financial institutions, and maintain appropriate debt levels.This article mainly through the literature research, unifies the HKD university actual situation, uses the qualitative analysis method, with the economics, the management science, the pedagogy and so on related discipline basic knowledge, the theory unifies the practice, causes the research result to have the practical operation.


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