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发布时间:2018-04-15 19:52

  本文选题:会计信息质量 + 公允价值 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:For a long time, historical cost has been one of the main measurement attributes of financial accounting. However, with the rapid development of market economy, the capital market is becoming more and more perfect and the degree of equity dispersion is increasing.As well as the change of financial accounting objective from fiduciary responsibility to decision-making usefulness, the accounting information measured by historical cost is unable to meet the needs of information users because of its weak relevance and timeliness, so it has been questioned by all walks of life.Because fair value can objectively reflect the real value of assets and liabilities, its decision-making is more relevant.On February 15, 2006, the Ministry of Finance promulgated the Accounting Standards for Enterprises, which further expanded the accounting theory and practice in our country, especially the scope and intensity of the application of fair value.This marks the realization of China's accounting standards and international accounting standards the substantive convergence.However, the financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has once again pushed fair value to the top of the wave, causing people to debate and question the fair value.So how to recognize and evaluate the fair value?What impact will fair value have on the quality of accounting information?This is precisely the question that this text wants to study.This paper adopts the method of combining normative research with case study.This paper first introduces the relevant theories of accounting information quality and fair value, then discusses the influence of fair value measurement attribute on accounting information quality from accounting measurement, and then analyzes the case of listed companies in China.It is concluded that fair value measurement can basically eliminate profitable transactions, enhance the transparency of accounting information, improve the relevance of accounting information, and thus enhance the usefulness of accounting information decision-making.Finally, the paper discusses the problems existing in the application of fair value measurement in China, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement.


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