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发布时间:2018-04-15 22:29

  本文选题:战略成本管理 + 价值链 ; 参考:《浙江工业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The traditional cost management is usually realized through the technology and skill of controlling the cost of the enterprise, which is only reflected in the concrete execution link. The strategic cost management thought is the product of the organic combination of the cost management and the strategic management.It is an adaptive change of traditional cost management to the constantly changing external competitive environment and an inevitable trend of the development of contemporary cost management.It is the cornerstone of the successful implementation of strategic management, and the application of strategic cost management is helpful for Chinese enterprises to grasp the cost management of enterprises from a strategic point of view.In this paper, the production, characteristics and mode of strategic cost management are first expounded, and then the analysis tools and management methods of strategic cost management are discussed in detail.The effectiveness and necessity of strategic cost management are illustrated by the application of strategic cost management to Ningbo Songke Magnetic material Co., Ltd.With the change of international living environment, the requirement of enterprise cost management is becoming higher and higher. NdFeB industry pays more and more attention to the cost management of the company.However, the cost management of Songke Company is not very mature in terms of methods and concepts, and there are still some gaps with the level of cost management abroad, and there are some backwardness in the research of cost management.Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study and implement strategic cost management in the present day when small and medium-sized enterprises in our country are caught up in "bigger and stronger, bigger and bigger soon".


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