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发布时间:2018-04-20 15:42

  本文选题:异质性 + 流通费用理论 ; 参考:《浙江工商大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:传统贸易研究仅仅关注于形成比较优势的生产成本,而对贸易过程中发生的贸易成本缺乏关注。其实贸易成本不仅不容忽视,且相较于生产成本,贸易成本在总成本中占有更大比例。特别是近年来随着国际分工的深化和生产力的不断提升,生产成本已被压缩到了一定的极限值,存在于流通领域的贸易成本才是未来贸易研究的重点。受欧债危机影响,近年来我国出口与经济增速双双下降,贸易成本问题再次成为研究热点,而有关贸易成本与出口的文献尚不多见,特别是有关不同种类贸易成本对出口影响的研究更是寥寥无几 2013年9月上海自贸区正式成立,自贸区内实行支持人民币跨境使用、税率优惠、取消多种贸易壁垒、简化通关制度、缩减审批时间等政策。这些政策都旨在降低我国企业与贸易伙伴间的贸易成本,通过降低贸易成本达到增进出口的目的。 自贸区的建设也提醒着我们应该更加深入的研究贸易成本,提出更具针对性的政策建议,实施更有效的措施。但是现有贸易成本的研究主要集中在对其的测度与影响因素的分析上,而笔者认为使用贸易量测算贸易成本的方法是有失偏颇的,贸易成本与贸易量之间的逻辑关系不应该是贸易量决定贸易成本,因此我们无法使用贸易量来测算贸易成本。鉴于笔者对现有测度贸易成本文献的不认可,本文通过将马克思流通费用理论拓展到国际贸易理论之中,对贸易成本进行重新分类。按能否创造价值将贸易成本划分为生产性贸易成本、可变纯粹贸易成本和固定纯粹贸易成本三类,并分析不同种类贸易成本对出口的不同影响。本文在企业异质性框架下理论分析了不同种类贸易成本影响出口的不同机理,同时利用静动态面板结合的方法实证分析了不同种类贸易成本对我国出口的影响大小。结果表明三类贸易成本皆与出口额存在反向相关关系,且生产性贸易成本对出口的影响要显著大于纯粹贸易成本,而可变纯粹贸易成本略大于固定纯粹贸易成本。本文最后结合我国贸易成本现状,提出本相应政策建议。 本文共有六章,导论部分阐述了选题背景与意义以及国内外研究现状的综述,并介绍了本文的研究方法、内容框架、创新点及不足之处。第二章介绍了现有贸易成本的测度方法和分类方法,分别给予评价并对现有分类方法进行改进。第三章介绍了不同种类贸易成本之于出口的作用机理,从理论上比较了不同种类贸易成本影响出口的大小。第四章和第五章从统计分析和计量估计角度实证分析了我国与主要贸易伙伴间贸易成本现状以及比较了不同种类贸易成本影响出口的大小。第六章根据第四章的统计性分析和第五章的计量估计得出本文结论,并根据结论提出四点相关建议。
[Abstract]:The traditional trade research only pays attention to the production cost which forms the comparative advantage, but does not pay attention to the trade cost that occurs in the course of trade. In fact, trade costs not only can not be ignored, but also account for a larger proportion of total costs than production costs. Especially in recent years, with the deepening of international division of labor and the continuous improvement of productivity, the production cost has been reduced to a certain limit value, and the trade cost in the field of circulation is the focus of future trade research. Affected by the European debt crisis, China's exports and economic growth have both declined in recent years, and the issue of trade costs has once again become a hot research topic, but the literature on trade costs and exports is still rare. In particular, there is little research on the impact of different types of trade costs on exports In September 2013, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone was formally established. The zone implements policies to support cross-border use of RMB, preferential tax rates, removal of various trade barriers, simplification of customs clearance system, and reduction of examination and approval time. These policies are aimed at reducing the trade cost between Chinese enterprises and trading partners and promoting exports by reducing trade costs. The construction of free trade zone also reminds us that we should study trade cost more deeply, put forward more targeted policy recommendations and implement more effective measures. However, the existing research on trade cost mainly focuses on the analysis of its measurement and influence factors, and the author thinks that the method of measuring trade cost by trade volume is biased. The logical relationship between trade cost and trade volume should not be that trade volume determines trade cost, so we can not use trade volume to calculate trade cost. In view of the author's disapproval of the existing literature on the measurement of trade cost, this paper reclassifies the trade cost by extending Marx's theory of circulation cost to the theory of international trade. According to whether the value can be created, the trade cost is divided into three categories: productive trade cost, variable pure trade cost and fixed pure trade cost, and the different effects of different kinds of trade cost on export are analyzed. This paper theoretically analyzes the different mechanism of different kinds of trade cost influencing export under the framework of enterprise heterogeneity, and analyzes the influence of different kinds of trade cost on China's export by using the method of static and dynamic panel combination. The results show that there is a reverse correlation between the three types of trade costs and exports, and the impact of productive trade costs on exports is significantly greater than that of pure trade costs, while variable pure trade costs are slightly larger than fixed pure trade costs. In the end, this paper puts forward the corresponding policy suggestions according to the current situation of China's trade cost. There are six chapters in this paper. The introduction describes the background and significance of the topic and the current research situation at home and abroad, and introduces the research methods, content framework, innovation points and shortcomings of this paper. The second chapter introduces the existing trade cost measurement method and classification method, respectively, gives the evaluation and improves the existing classification method. Chapter three introduces the mechanism of different kinds of trade cost to export, and compares the influence of different kinds of trade cost on export theoretically. The fourth and fifth chapters empirically analyze the current situation of trade costs between China and its main trading partners from the perspective of statistical analysis and econometric estimation, and compare the impact of different kinds of trade costs on exports. Chapter 6 draws the conclusion of this paper according to the statistical analysis of chapter four and the econometric estimation of chapter 5, and puts forward four relevant suggestions according to the conclusion.


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