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发布时间:2018-04-29 02:18

  本文选题:国有控股公司 + 财务治理结构 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:China began to reform its economic system in the late 1970s, in which the reform of state-owned enterprises has always been the central task of economic system reform. At present, to state-owned holding company is the main mode of operation of state-owned assets in our country. State-owned holding companies have great advantages in some key industries and fields. They have become an indispensable force for Chinese enterprises to participate in international competition and promote the economic development of our country. However, in the actual operation of the state-owned holding company, it has always been inseparable from the financial governance structure. In practice, there are many disadvantages, such as the over-centralized allocation of financial rights, the lack of effective financial constraints and incentive mechanisms. The government's excessive administrative intervention and lack of personalization of the owners. These problems have brought many obstacles to the development of state-owned holding companies in China, and are also a stumbling block to the success of state-owned holding companies in China. Generally, the international financial governance structure is based on different historical and cultural backgrounds, and according to the modern economic development into a process of spontaneous evolution, but their essence is the same; Both of them have the power of independent financial supervision and control in the process of corporate financial governance, and the managers are the core of financial governance, and have independent financial rights of enterprises. Therefore, this paper is divided into five chapters: research background and practical significance, financial governance structure theory, the experience of foreign financial governance structure; According to the specific cases, the paper puts forward the corresponding suggestions and countermeasures.


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