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发布时间:2018-04-29 05:34

  本文选题:会计师事务所声誉机制 + 有效性 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Audit reputation is a resource acquired by accounting firms and information users for a long time. It is a synonym for audit quality and an important condition for firms to survive. This paper adopts the event research method to examine the effectiveness of the reputation mechanism of accounting firms after the audit failure of accounting firms from the perspective of stock market and audit market. In the stock market, Huayang Technology was selected for investigation and the Liandda firm was penalized by the CSRC to calculate the cumulative average excess rate of return (CAR) of other clients. Through further regression analysis, it is found that the higher the possibility of bankruptcy is, the stronger the market reaction is, and the more important the customer is, the higher the quality of audit service provided by Lida is. In the audit market, it is found that the comprehensive ranking of Ledda has been declining since 2007-2013, as well as the business income of the firm, the number of certified accountants and the number of clients. The change of the number of CPA and the number of customers is inverted U shape, and the trend of decline is obvious after Huayang science and technology event. By Logistics regression analysis, it is found that the type of audit opinion and audit cost are not the factors that consider the change of auditors. The results of stock market and audit market show that the reputation mechanism of accounting firms is effective for local accounting firms. Therefore, the CPA industry in China needs to give full play to the effectiveness of the reputation mechanism of the firm to promote the healthy development of the industry. The effective exertion of firm reputation mechanism requires the joint efforts of the supplier, the demand-side and the supervisor.


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