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发布时间:2018-05-05 06:33

  本文选题:零售企业 + 促销方式 ; 参考:《天津财经大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the increasingly fierce competition in the market and the entry of many foreign retail enterprises such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, the market competition of retail enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce. More and more, various promotional measures such as giving away, discounts and profits are adopted to attract consumers. Stimulate sales. There are many ways to promote sales. However, no matter what kind of form, as an enterprise, in the final analysis, is to maximize the efficiency of the enterprise. The different regulations of different sales methods in the tax law decide that in the process of pursuing the maximization of its benefit, the tax revenue becomes an important link that can not be ignored. Although there are many factors that affect the effect of sales promotion, such as consumer psychology, financial management level and so on, tax is directly related to the profit of the enterprise, and becomes a factor that can not be ignored when the retail enterprise chooses the way of promotion. The tax law has a strong timeliness, and with the economic activities constantly adjust and improve accordingly, according to the current tax system of our country, this paper absorbs the latest adjustment and change of the tax law in recent years. Pay attention to combining the theory of tax planning with the practical operation, on the basis of the tax analysis of the common sales promotion means of retail enterprises, explore the tax planning scheme, and combine with the concrete cases in real life. The tax analysis and planning scheme are explained to make the plan more practical and feasible. The tax analysis and planning of sales promotion in retail enterprises focus on the tax analysis of the third chapter and the tax planning of the fourth chapter. Through the definition of the concept of retail enterprise and the way of promotion, the author defines the object of tax analysis and planning. On the basis of this, the tax analysis of eight common promotion methods is carried out in combination with the relevant tax laws. On the basis of comprehensive analysis, a planning scheme is put forward to help enterprises choose the best way to promote sales. Finally, the paper points out the possible risks in tax planning and puts forward corresponding measures to prevent them.


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