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发布时间:2018-05-05 08:45

  本文选题:高校 + 国有资产 ; 参考:《中国高校科技》2015年05期

[Abstract]:As a strong condition and material support for the sustained development of colleges and universities, the state-owned assets of colleges and universities are directly oriented to the market and frequently active in economic activities in the production, operation and development of business. Therefore, in the construction of a clean and honest party and in the fight against corruption is facing a severe test. Comrade Wang Liying, head of the discipline Inspection Section of the Ministry of Education, stressed at many meetings that it is necessary to further strengthen the risk prevention and control of state-owned assets in colleges and universities, and standardize the management of state-owned assets in colleges and universities. Therefore, how to strengthen the top-level design and policy guidance for the prevention and management of industrial corruption in colleges and universities through the evaluation of the integrity of the system, to make a "cage of the system", to do a good job of risk prevention, control and tracking management, and to ensure that state-owned assets maintain and increase their value, It has become an urgent need for the development of university industry, and has become an important subject in the construction of a clean and honest party and the struggle against corruption in colleges and universities.
【作者单位】: 东南大学;
【基金】:江苏省社会科学基金项目“建设学习型;服务型;创新型”党组织研究(13DSD010) 江苏省纪检监察学会委托研究项目“高校制度廉洁性前置评估工作研究”(2014)研究成果之一


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