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发布时间:2018-05-15 13:15

  本文选题:辅助生产部门 + 自产产品 ; 参考:《财会月刊》2013年04期

[Abstract]:It is of great significance for the development of the auxiliary production department from extensive management to lean management to analyze the accounting and control effect of the self-produced products consumed by the auxiliary production department. However, from the investigation of various cost accounting works and cost accounting education at different levels, it is found that this content is generally missing, and the enterprise cost accounting activities have not standardized accounting for this economic activity. Even many enterprises have not brought it into the category of cost accounting. This paper designs a basic system for the accounting and control effect analysis of self-produced products consumed by enterprises' auxiliary production departments, and demonstrates it with real cases, which is expected to fill in the blank of the content of cost accounting.
【作者单位】: 贺州学院人文与管理系;


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