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发布时间:2018-05-15 17:15

  本文选题:贸易成本 + 中欧贸易 ; 参考:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The traditional trade theory is based on the assumption of free trade and the trade cost is almost completely excluded because it is not the key factor to determine the trade model. However, with the development of international trade and the perfection of trade theory, trade cost is regarded as "the golden key to open all other mysteries of open macroeconomics", and it begins to play a key role in international specialization and trade model. At the same time, trade cost also plays an important role in understanding enterprise location choice and economic behavior. Although the rapid development of transport and communication industry has reduced the distance based trade costs, in the globalization of today, trade costs still exist widely, and to a large extent affect the development of bilateral trade. China's economic growth of more than 30 years has benefited from the rapid growth of foreign trade. As China's largest trading partner and import market, EU is China's important source of capital and technology. At present, facing the adjustment of the world economic pattern, it is not only in the common interests of both sides that China and EU strengthen their economic and trade cooperation, but also the urgent need to work hand in hand to deal with the crisis and realize common development. The comprehensive measurement of China-EU trade cost and the analysis of the motive force of China-EU trade growth are of great theoretical and practical significance to promote the sustainable and healthy development of China-EU trade. Theoretical studies always focus on explaining the growth of bilateral trade from the point of view of demand and supply, but the contribution rate of decreasing trade cost to trade growth is always ignored. In this paper, the improved gravity model is used to overcome the shortcomings of traditional trade cost measurement methods, and the bilateral trade costs between China and EU from 1995 to 2012 are estimated, and the trade costs are classified to analyze the trends of different costs. Further, the main factors that affect the trade cost of China and EU are studied. After that, the growth of China-EU trade is divided into four parts, and the contribution rate of each part, especially the decline of trade cost, to the growth of China-EU trade in different periods is studied, and the reasons behind the development of China-EU trade are discussed. Finally, according to the conclusion of this paper, some reasonable suggestions are put forward.


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