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发布时间:2018-05-15 17:28

  本文选题:城市商业银行 + 跨区域发展 ; 参考:《厦门大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:十多年来,城市商业银行已成为我国银行业的重要组成部分。这一群体中的大中型城市商业银行突破传统地域性模式、进行跨区域经营已成为业务拓展的重要手段,也帮助城市商业银行取得规模效应、降低区域性风险并扩大品牌影响力,但在这一过程中也往往伴随着各种风险。如果城市商业银行不能对其在跨区域发展过程中面临的风险加以正确认识并进行有效地控制,最终将面临财务损失甚至破产,因此,城市商业银行跨区域财务风险管控的问题是一项亟待研究的课题。 城市商业银行跨区域经营的潮流起于最近几年,有关其跨区域财务风险的研究还比较少。本文着眼于城市商业银行跨区域财务风险的识别与管控,在对城商行跨区域财务风险进行定性分析的基础上,以跨区域经营的城市商业银行——C银行为案例,分析其对不同类型跨区域财务风险进行管理的现状,着重揭示其跨区域财务风险管控的弱点,并提出相应的提升建议 本文的主要贡献如下: (1)与现有少量相关研究文献零星地关注城市商业银行跨区域经营中某一特定类型财务风险相比,本文尝试更系统地对城市商业银行在跨区域发展中所面临的财务风险进行探讨。结合跨区域发展这一过程的特殊性,本文基于过程的观点并从增量风险的角度对城商行跨区域财务风险类型进行识别,同时对城商行跨区域财务风险的来源与特征进行分析,在此基础上,试图提出一个针对城商行跨区域财务风险管控的整体思路,希望能提供一些新的研究视角。(2)结合实际情况,对案例银行C银行在跨区域发展中所面临不同类型的财务风险及管控现状进行比较详细的分析,指出其目前在跨区域财务风险管控中存在的问题并提出有针对性的建议,希望能够为其它城商行跨区域财务风险管控实践提供有益的借鉴。
[Abstract]:In the past ten years, the city commercial bank has become an important part of our country's banking industry. In this group, the large and medium-sized city commercial banks break through the traditional regional mode and carry on cross-regional management, which has become an important means of business expansion, and also helps the city commercial banks to obtain scale effect, reduce regional risk and expand brand influence. But in this process also often accompanied by a variety of risks. If the city commercial banks can not correctly understand and control the risks they face in the process of cross-regional development, they will eventually face financial losses or even bankruptcy. The problem of cross-regional financial risk control in city commercial banks is an urgent task to be studied. The trend of cross-regional management of city commercial banks began in recent years, but the research on cross-regional financial risk is still relatively few. This paper focuses on the identification and management of cross-regional financial risk of urban commercial banks. On the basis of qualitative analysis of cross-regional financial risks of urban commercial banks, this paper takes C Bank, a cross-regional commercial bank, as a case study. This paper analyzes the current situation of managing different types of cross-regional financial risks, emphasizes on revealing the weaknesses of cross-regional financial risk management, and puts forward corresponding suggestions for improving the management of cross-regional financial risks. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) compared with a small amount of related literatures, this paper attempts to discuss the financial risks faced by urban commercial banks in the cross-regional development more systematically than a specific type of financial risk in the cross-regional management of urban commercial banks. Combined with the particularity of the process of cross-regional development, this paper, based on the viewpoint of process and from the point of view of incremental risk, identifies the types of cross-regional financial risk of city commercial bank, and analyzes the source and characteristics of cross-regional financial risk of city commercial bank. On this basis, this paper tries to put forward an overall idea of cross-regional financial risk management for city commercial banks, hoping to provide some new research perspective. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the different types of financial risks and the current situation of management and control faced by Bank C in the cross-regional development, points out the problems existing in the cross-regional financial risk management and puts forward some targeted suggestions. Hope to provide useful reference for other city banks cross-regional financial risk management practice.


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