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发布时间:2018-05-19 14:28

  本文选题:雅江 + 酒店 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Project cost refers to the sum of the quantity and price of the resources consumed and occupied by the project construction. In the process of project implementation, the management and control of project cost is the key to reduce the cost for all parties involved in the project. Risk cost, uncertain cost and deterministic cost are all the components of project cost, and uncertainty cost is the most important part of cost management. It is necessary to strive to identify and resolve uncertainties and thus save costs. This paper takes the Yajiang hotel under construction as the research object, applies the basic theory of cost management, combines the theoretical research with the practical research, the qualitative research with the quantitative research, the comparative method research and so on. The means and methods of cost management are applied to the cost management of the whole construction process of Yajiang hotel project, so as to reduce and avoid the loss of construction funds and make the construction cost under effective control. In this paper, some possible problems in cost management are found and some suggestions are put forward in the research and analysis of the cost management of the owner in the construction of Yajiang Hotel Project. It is of practical significance to improve the investment decision level and investment economic benefit of the Yajiang hotel project. At the same time, it has certain reference significance for the cost control management of similar projects in the same industry or high altitude area.


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