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发布时间:2018-05-26 11:13

  本文选题:低碳建筑 + 增量成本 ; 参考:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着低碳建筑在我国的逐渐兴起,各种国家相关政策的出台,,房地产商也开始投身于低碳建筑的建设中,低碳建筑因其节能或生态技术应用带来的增量成本,必然引发房产市场成本的变化与波动,对低碳建筑与传统建筑投资成本与效益回收已经成为建筑行业关注的议题。 本文研究的意义在于可以通过借助建设项目经济评价和成本效益分析理论,建立低碳建筑成本效益分析的一般估算模型,对“团泊湖心岛”项目和“团泊湖示范小城镇”项目的相关资料进行调研并进行案例分析,在总结项目所应用低碳技术类型、效能及具体环节的基础上,分析其低碳增量成本及构成,定量计算项目在运营阶段所产生的经济、环境、社会的外部性效益,然后深入剖析不同规划设计方案的成本收益,并通过类比分析其他低碳个案的客户构成以及项目溢价能力对其盈利情况进行分析,最后评价在政府同时对房地产企业和消费者进行补贴的前提下该项目的发展前景。
[Abstract]:With the gradual rise of low-carbon buildings in China and the introduction of various national policies, real estate developers are also beginning to devote themselves to the construction of low-carbon buildings, and the incremental costs of low-carbon buildings due to their energy saving or ecological technology application. It will inevitably lead to the change and fluctuation of the real estate market cost. The cost and benefit recovery of low carbon building and traditional building investment has become an issue of concern to the construction industry. The significance of this study is to establish a general estimation model of cost-benefit analysis for low-carbon buildings by means of the theory of economic evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of construction projects. On the basis of investigation and case study of the project "Tuanbo Huxin Island" and the "Tuanbo Lake demonstration Town" project, the paper summarizes the types, effectiveness and specific links of the low-carbon technologies used in the project. This paper analyzes its low carbon incremental cost and its composition, calculates quantitatively the economic, environmental and social externalities of the project in the operation phase, and then deeply analyzes the cost benefits of different planning and design schemes. And through analogies analysis other low-carbon cases customer composition and the project premium ability to carry on the analysis to its profit situation, finally evaluates under the government simultaneously to the real estate enterprise and the consumer carries on the development prospect under the premise that the government carries on the subsidy to the real estate enterprise and the consumer.


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