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发布时间:2018-05-30 23:45

  本文选题:公立医院 + 财务管理 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Public hospitals occupy a major position in our country's hospitals. They are not for profit, the cost of medical services is covered by the income earned, and the balance of business income and expenditure is used for the development of the hospital itself. At present, with the deepening of the reform of the medical and health system in our country, the demand for medical and health technology and services is becoming higher and higher, as the state invests capital to serve the public interest of the society. In order to meet the needs of all aspects, the hospital also needs constant input and development. However, under the influence of the serious shortage of financial subsidy, it is difficult to maintain a good economic condition by relying on the development of "self-hematopoiesis" alone, and the contradiction between doctors and patients is becoming increasingly prominent. With the development of the market economy system, public hospitals must also begin to emphasize efficiency in maintaining operation, strengthen the financial management of hospitals, control hospital operating costs, and reduce patients' medical expenses, and become a central policy-making department. As a public hospital specialized in women and children, H hospital is a maternal and child health care institution that integrates clinical treatment and health care. It faces a large proportion of the prevention and health care of healthy people. The "service" required by maternal and child health care is particularly important here, which makes the management mode of the hospital gradually change from extensive to fine, and the cost of medical service that needs to be invested is even greater, which requires the hospital to have a management concept. In order to realize the healthy development of the hospital, the management method has been changed, and the excellent method mode in the enterprise management has been introduced into the hospital management. This article from the public hospital financial management as the concern point, through many various aspects to carry on the summary analysis to the financial management, and takes the H hospital as the reference, attempts through the time hospital financial management present situation analysis, It is found that there are some shortcomings in financial management of H hospital, such as imperfect internal control, low quality of financial personnel, serious shortage of funds, large financial risk, lack of comprehensive consideration of utilization benefit in investment management, weak consciousness of asset management and confusion in management. The hospital expenditure lacks the rigid constraint of budget, and then through analyzing the real causes of these deficiencies, the author puts forward some measures and suggestions for H hospital to solve the problem: perfecting internal control, improving the quality of financial personnel, strengthening cost accounting, and so on. To realize overall budget management, actively expand channels to raise funds, establish pre-investment benefit analysis, strengthen asset management, improve asset operation management, and put forward suggestions and measures for H hospital to improve financial management.


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