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发布时间:2018-05-31 06:28

  本文选题:农地转用 + 土地增值收益 ; 参考:《四川农业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国城市化进程的不断推进,城市土地供需矛盾日益突出。为了保障城市发展所需的土地供给,农地已经成为城市用地的主要供给来源,农地转用呈现出一种不可逆转的趋势,而由此带来的土地增值分配问题也受到社会广泛关注。土地增值收益分配问题,不仅涉及到各相关利益方的切身利益,而且还直接关乎到社会发展和稳定。因此,针对农地经过征收转为非农用地所产生的增值收益分配问题进行研究将有着积极的现实意义。巴中市巴州区地处四川盆地北缘,米仓山南麓,是川东北重要的交通枢纽和商品集散地,幅员面积1401.12 km2,总人口约75万人。近几年巴州区致力于推进城镇化建设,大量农地被征收变更为城市用地,而由此产生的增值分配问题已成为巴州区谋求城市发展中亟待解决的现实难题。从巴州区土地增值收益分配的实际情况来看中,农民土地收益微薄,而政府和开发商获取了巨额的土地增值收益,土地增值收益分配极为不合理。基于这一事实,本文将在借鉴前学者的理论模型的基础上,对巴州区农地转用中的增值收益分配进行研究。本文研究内容主要包括三部分:第一部分详细分析了研究区域的现状,主要包括:社会经济发展现状、农地转用现状以及土地增值收益分配现状。在实际分配现状的基础上,总结出目前巴州区土地增值收益分配中存在着征地补偿标准偏低、农民土地权益受损以及土地增值收益分配比例不当等问题。第二部分则对本文运用的土地增值分配测算模型进行详细介绍,并选取了研究区域农地转用项目,对其土地增值收益合理分配问题进行定量研究。具体来看,本文在实地调查、资料收集和相关数据统计的前提下以及土地增值收益分配测算模型的基础上,对巴州区某农地转用项目所引起的土地增值收益分配进行了测算,最后得出农民、政府与开发商可获得的土地增值收益以及分配比例,即在农地转用中的土地增值分配比例中,农民约占20%—25%,政府约占25%—35%,开发商约占45%—50%。第三部分则在分析了当前土地增值收益不合理分配的原因的基础上,提出从提高农民征地补偿价值、增加农民土地收益,规范政府行为、发挥政府调节收入作用等方面合理分配土地增值收益的对策建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of urbanization in China, the contradiction between supply and demand of urban land is becoming more and more prominent. In order to ensure the supply of land for urban development, farmland has become the main supply source of urban land, and the conversion of agricultural land has shown an irreversible trend, and the problem of land value-added distribution has been widely concerned by the society. The distribution of land value-added benefits is not only related to the vital interests of all relevant stakeholders, but also directly related to social development and stability. Therefore, it is of positive practical significance to study the distribution of value-added income caused by the expropriation of agricultural land into non-agricultural land. Bazhou District of Bazhong City is located in the northern margin of Sichuan Basin and the southern foot of Micang Mountain. It is an important transportation hub and commodity distribution center in Northeast Sichuan with an area of 1401.12 km2 with a total population of about 750000 people. In recent years, Bazhou has been committed to promoting the construction of urbanization, a large number of agricultural land has been expropriated and changed into urban land, and the problem of value-added distribution has become a practical problem to be solved urgently in the pursuit of urban development in Bazhou district. According to the actual situation of land value-added income distribution in Bazhou district, farmers' land income is meagre, while the government and developers have obtained huge land value-added income, so the distribution of land value-added income is extremely unreasonable. Based on this fact, this paper will study the distribution of value-added income in the conversion of agricultural land in Bazhou district on the basis of the theoretical model of former scholars. This paper mainly includes three parts: the first part analyzes the current situation of the research area in detail, including: the current situation of social and economic development, the current situation of farmland conversion and the distribution of land value-added income. On the basis of the actual distribution situation, it is concluded that there are some problems in the distribution of land value-added income in Bazhou district, such as the low compensation standard of land expropriation, the loss of farmers' land rights and interests, and the improper distribution proportion of land value-added income. In the second part, the model of land value-added distribution is introduced in detail, and the rational allocation of land value-added income is studied quantitatively by selecting the project of farmland conversion in the study area. Specifically, on the premise of field investigation, data collection and related data statistics, and on the basis of land value-added income distribution model, this paper calculates the distribution of land value-added income caused by a farmland conversion project in Bazhou district. Finally, it is concluded that the peasants, the government and the developers can obtain the land value-added income and the distribution ratio, that is, in the proportion of land increment distribution in the conversion of agricultural land, the peasants account for about 20-25, the government accounts for 25-35and the developers account for 45-50. In the third part, on the basis of analyzing the reason of the unreasonable distribution of land value-added income, the author puts forward to raise the compensation value of farmers' land expropriation, increase the farmers' land income, and standardize the government's behavior. Give play to the role of government income regulation and other aspects of rational allocation of land value-added income countermeasures.


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