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发布时间:2018-05-31 08:11

  本文选题:策略研究 + 融资租赁 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:创新销售模式和渠道的开发是企业发展寻求的突破口,是企业不断革新的选择方向,本文从工程机械行业实际出发,结合市场竞争需求,融资租赁采购方式在产品价格较高、周期较长、客户需求多样性的市场环境中脱颖而出。 本文介绍了融资租赁的起源、国际发展趋势及中国目前融资租赁业务开展情况,详尽阐述市场竞争机制下中国目前工程机械制造行业创新销售模式的紧迫性。融资租赁销售模式是近年来市场竞争机制下的产物,随着工程机械行业动荡和信用风险的加剧化,创新融资租赁也是企业为满足客户需求而不断提出的,融资租赁销售模式不仅解决下游企业资金链问题,同时促进本企业的产品销售,是多方共赢的促销手段,已逐渐被行业所认可。 本文以工程机械行业中SY公司的内外部环境为背景,运用SWOT模型,对SY公司开展融资租赁业务优劣势、机会和威胁进行多角度分析。本文通过分析确定SY公司开展融资租赁业务的战略目标及产品设计方向,并对SY公司开展融资租赁业务的产品种类、业务开展条件、操作流程进行策略研究。 最后本文分析研究SY公司开展融资租赁业务方案设计、客户资信评估、业务操做流程的可行性。从企业实际出发,对于如何完善组织结构、加强信用审核管理及风险防控提出合理化意见及建议。
[Abstract]:The development of innovative sales model and channel is the breakthrough of enterprise development and the choice direction of enterprise innovation. This paper starts from the reality of construction machinery industry, combines the market competition demand, the financing lease purchasing way is higher in the product price. Long cycle, customer demand diversity in the market environment stand out. This paper introduces the origin of financial leasing, the international development trend and the current situation of financial leasing business in China, and expounds in detail the urgency of innovative sales mode of construction machinery manufacturing industry in China under the market competition mechanism. Financial leasing sales model is the product of market competition mechanism in recent years. With the turbulence of construction machinery industry and the intensification of credit risk, innovative financial leasing is constantly proposed by enterprises to meet the needs of customers. Financial leasing sales model not only solves the problem of downstream enterprise fund chain, but also promotes the product sales of the enterprise. It is a win-win promotion means, and has been gradually recognized by the industry. Based on the internal and external environment of sy Company in construction machinery industry, this paper uses SWOT model to analyze the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats of sy company's financial leasing business. By analyzing and determining the strategic goal and product design direction of sy company's financial leasing business, this paper makes a strategic study on the product types, business conditions and operation process of sy company's financial leasing business. Finally, this paper analyzes and studies the feasibility of sy Company to carry out financial leasing business scheme design, customer credit evaluation, business operation process. Based on the actual situation of the enterprise, the paper puts forward some reasonable suggestions and suggestions on how to perfect the organizational structure, strengthen the credit audit management and risk prevention and control.


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