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发布时间:2018-06-03 14:58

  本文选题:高校债务 + 化解 ; 参考:《经济与管理》2013年02期

[Abstract]:The continuous enrollment expansion of colleges and universities has realized the leapfrog growth of higher education in China, but the loan expansion and new construction of colleges and universities have formed a huge amount of debt, which has affected the healthy development of higher education. In order to solve the debt problem of colleges and universities, we should take measures from the government, colleges and universities and the management of school funds to solve the debt problems in the development of colleges and universities fundamentally and to explore the way of sustainable and healthy development of colleges and universities.
【作者单位】: 石家庄经济学院会计学院;中国人民银行石家庄中心支行;


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