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发布时间:2018-06-03 16:21

  本文选题:汽车物流 + 物流成本管理 ; 参考:《南京理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the rapid development of China's automobile industry and the increasing demand have brought good opportunities for the development of domestic automobile enterprises, as well as industry competition from foreign automobile giants. In the face of this situation, the automobile manufacturing industry in China, represented by HC Automobile Company, needs to ponder over how to seize the opportunity of development and make itself in an invincible position in the fierce competition of the industry. Through the data comparison and chart analysis, it is found that the HC Automobile Company omits the statistics of a large number of hidden costs in the logistics cost accounting, resulting in an obvious "logistics cost iceberg" effect. So that the enterprise managers can not grasp the logistics costs of all the components in the business of HC automobile companies too much attention to their own logistics costs, leading to excessive inventory costs at both ends of the production line, especially the vehicle inventory costs. Other enterprises on the value chain information sharing is not in place. There are similar problems in the purchasing system and the choice of the self-run logistics and the third party, that is, the allocation of internal and external resources in the company: the puzzling of the internal procurement mechanism in the procurement, and the incomplete transformation from the self-owned logistics to the third-party logistics. For HC Automobile Company, it is necessary to improve the logistics cost accounting and management from the following aspects, to explore its own competitive advantage from the value chain angle, and to optimize the operation flow without adding value in the value chain. At the same time, we should strengthen the information sharing with the cooperative enterprises in the value chain to minimize the inventory cost caused by the information distortion. It is reasonable to determine whether the internal procurement of parts and components is market-oriented: under the current situation, the proportion of business distribution between self-owned logistics and third party logistics should be reasonably distributed, and gradually the logistics capacity will be completely externalized.


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