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发布时间:2018-06-03 19:49

  本文选题:矿业 + 矿业融资 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2013年博士论文

[Abstract]:Mining enterprises are the main body of Chinese enterprises and mining financing is the first step of mining economic activities. How to obtain funds and improve capital efficiency is the key to the development of mining enterprises. With the large-scale development of international mining enterprises, the wave of mergers between enterprises is expanding day by day, and mining enterprises need a lot of capital. Due to the characteristics of long payback period of mining investment and large geological risk, mining enterprises have large financing risks, less financing methods and limited financing channels, and mining enterprises have difficulty in financing, so it is necessary to study the financing risks of mining enterprises. Based on the availability of samples and data, mining listed companies are selected as research objects. Under the guidance of mining economy theory, financing management theory, risk management theory and financial risk warning theory, the paper combines normative analysis with empirical analysis. The non-financing activities and financing activities of mining listed companies are analyzed and the index system of financing risk early-warning in mining financing activities is designed. Using MATLAB7.0 to carry on BP neural network financing risk early warning research to 24 coal mining industry. The main research contents include: (1) from the point of view of determining the sample, summarizing the classification standards of mining listed companies both at home and abroad, and establishing a new division standard of plate value chain for mining listed companies, the paper analyzes the mining financing activities and financing environment from the angle of mining financing activities and financing environment. Mining enterprises have different financing activities and financing methods in different stages. The composition and degree of development of mining capital markets at home and abroad are different. From the angle of determining the early warning index system of financing risks, the risks existing in mining non-financing activities and financing activities are analyzed. To determine the index of non-financing activities, to design the innovative index system of financing activities from the angle of financing efficiency. (4) from the point of view of early warning of financing risks, combining the ideas of risk management and financial early warning, based on the digital accuracy and model accuracy. Select financing risk in financing activity to carry on early warning analysis, and design mining listed company financing risk early warning process. From the angle of financing risk warning application, put forward the comprehensive index of financing risk, select 24 coal mining listed companies. The application of BP neural network financing risk early warning is carried out by MATLAB7.0 analysis software. The relevant conclusions of the study include: 1) the sample of mining listed companies determines the following conclusions: mining stage enterprises have large risks, few financing methods, relatively small mining stage enterprises risk, many financing methods, Foreign mining capital markets allow enterprises of different scales to be listed in the prospecting and mining stages. China's mining capital market only allows a small number of large mining stage enterprises to be listed on the market) the conclusion of the analysis of mining financing risk is that it is affected by the policy risk of meso scale and the risk of resources and reserves. The financing risk of mining enterprises is greatly affected by non-financing activities, including the scale of financing, the risk of payment, the risk of profitability, and so on. But the overall risk is not big. The application of financing risk early warning conclusion: 24 listed coal mining companies have high accuracy and high applicability using BP neural network. The comprehensive financing risk early warning index (SWI) fluctuates periodically because of the periodic production of coal. Coal mining listed companies are in the yellow early warning area because of the large financing risk, the proportion of debt financing, the degree of capital availability and the cost of debt financing.


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