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发布时间:2018-06-03 19:50

  本文选题:高新技术企业 + 创新资金配置 ; 参考:《哈尔滨理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Innovation is an important driving force to promote economic development. High-tech enterprises undertake the task of the main body of innovation. In the process of innovation, innovative funds, as an important financial resource, play a supporting role in technological innovation. The high risk of innovation activities and the uncertainty of innovation process increase the difficulty of rational allocation of innovation funds and bring risks. The risk management of the allocation of innovative funds is conducive to the successful completion of technological innovation and the promotion of innovation and development of enterprises. The objective attribute of risk determines that according to the principle of cost and benefit, the risk management of innovation fund allocation should be carried out reasonably according to its own risk bearing ability, so as to economize the cost of innovation and improve the efficiency of the allocation of innovation funds. To promote the sustainable development of high-tech enterprises. The risk of allocation of innovative funds is divided into three stages according to its process sources: research and development, product production and marketization. Taking the three-stage risk as the three dimensions of the spatial model, the feasible spatial model of the risk of the allocation of innovative funds is constructed. The distribution law of risk in the feasible space model is analyzed. The feasible space is further divided into ideal space, safe space and early warning space. On the basis of analyzing the influencing factors of capital allocation risk in different stages of innovation, the risk evaluation index system is designed, and the entropy weight fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to measure the risk of innovation fund allocation scientifically. The empirical results show that the risk level of capital allocation in each stage of innovation is medium, and the risk of capital allocation in the whole process of enterprise innovation is within the feasible space. Based on the analysis of the factors affecting the risk of fund allocation in different stages of innovation, a specific risk control mechanism for the allocation of innovative funds in three stages of innovation is put forward.


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