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发布时间:2018-06-05 05:30

  本文选题:上市商业银行 + 内部控制 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:From the collapse of the British Bank of Bahrain 20 years ago to the 2008 fraud at SocGen France, and the Qilu bank fraud in Shandong Province in 2012, these cases have exposed problems with commercial banks. The basic reason is that the internal control system is not perfect, the internal control supervision system is not perfect, and the actual implementation is not in place. For the listed commercial bank, which is a typical high-risk listed company, the particularity of its management, the degree of perfection of the establishment of internal control system, and the effective state of execution will not only affect the information quality of the bank, but also involve the interests of the relevant parties. Even endangers the fate of banks, affecting the entire country's financial security and social stability. The laws and regulations of our country have long required the listed banks to make standardized information disclosure on their own internal control. However, the specific circumstances of the disclosure, such as the location of disclosure, disclosure content and detail, and so on, each bank is not the same, completely according to their own understanding of the disclosure. This paper makes descriptive statistical analysis and empirical model test on the disclosure of internal control information in the annual report of 16 listed commercial banks in China in the past three years. It is considered that most of the current situation of internal control information disclosure in China's listed commercial banks is not comprehensive, and the understanding of internal control information disclosure requirements of commercial banks is also very different. As a result, internal control information disclosure format is difficult to unify. Through the empirical test, the main influencing factors of internal control information disclosure of listed commercial banks are: equity concentration, proportion of independent directors, board of supervisors size, non-performing loan ratio, operating risk and so on. The paper puts forward the following suggestions: to clarify the responsibility of bank management, to improve the attention of internal control information disclosure, to improve the internal control mechanism of reward and punishment, and to perfect the rules and regulations of internal control.


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