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发布时间:2018-06-05 05:50

  本文选题:固定资产内部控制 + COSO内部控制理论 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:AB Company is the first professional manufacturer in Jiangxi province to develop, design and manufacture LCD, which is a national high-tech enterprise. In recent years, the LCD industry in China has developed rapidly, and the industrial scale, industrial structure and technical level have been greatly improved, which has played a great role in promoting the economic growth of our country. However, because of the rapid development of liquid crystal display industry, the management of fixed assets is under pressure, and its internal control system is weak. Since the construction of internal control of fixed assets is still in the initial stage, how to establish and perfect the internal control of fixed assets in accordance with relevant standards is a subject that many enterprises need to face and solve. In this paper, by analyzing the relative systems and regulations of internal control of fixed assets in AB Company, we understand the present situation of each link in the internal control of fixed assets, analyze the internal control theory of COSO, combine with the control environment, and evaluate the risk. This paper sums up the problems existing in the internal control of fixed assets and further analyzes the causes of the problems in the control activities, information, communication and supervision. The qualitative analysis and logical reasoning are used to sum up and analyze the existing problems, and the relevant countermeasures and suggestions are put forward, which can not only make the responsibility and behavior of each department, every link and even every post clear and standardized, Make the realization of management goal have reliable guarantee, improve management efficiency. Moreover, it can reasonably allocate resources, prevent work errors and fraud, ensure the safety and integrity of all assets, and ensure the steady growth of the company in the complex competition.


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