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发布时间:2018-06-06 18:55

  本文选题:全国统一考试 + 阶段考试 ; 参考:《中国注册会计师》2013年11期

[Abstract]:On September 28 and October 19-20, 2013, the National General examination of Certified Public Accountants and the Professional stage examination were successfully held in all provinces, municipalities, and Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative regions respectively. During the comprehensive examination period, Yu Weiping, member of the party group of the Ministry of Finance, assistant minister of the Ministry of Finance, and deputy director of the Ministry of Finance examination Commission, visited the Beijing examination area. Chen Yugui, director of the examination Office of the Ministry of Finance, vice president and secretary general of the Central Annotation Association, Yang Muyan, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance, as well as the relevant leaders of the Beijing Municipal examination Office and the responsible person of the machine test company, accompanied the inspection tour. During the tour, Assistant Yu listened to the report of the Ministry of Finance's examination Office on the situation of the national examination organization, and the Beijing Municipal examination Office's report on the situation of the examination organization in the Beijing examination area.


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10 ;关于推荐1993年度注册会计师全国统一考试阅卷人员的通知[J];注册会计师通讯;1993年09期

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7 ;今年注会考试报名简章确定[N];中国税务报;2007年

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9 记者  赵伟凯;2006年度注会统考顺利举行[N];财会信报;2006年

10 ;CPA考试增英语自选科目 欧洲开考场[N];财会信报;2006年

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