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发布时间:2018-07-10 17:52

  本文选题:制造外包 + 成本优化 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化时代的到来,不同国家和地区之间的分工合作也不断的发展和深入。从纵向一体化转向横向一体化战略,使许多国际公司专注于核心竞争力的相关业务,并将不擅长的业务外包出去从而实现资源的最优配置。然而,在外包业务获取过程中,制造企业需要拥有满意的质量和低于竞争对手的价格,才能获得国际制造的外包订单。因此,企业在完成国际制造外包的时候,需要运用相关的理论和方法来改善现行的生产方式,从而达到实现成本优化的目的。 本文基于中航南方公司国际制造外包业务现状及成本问题,结合制造外包业务订单需求的相关要求,综合采用理论分析和实践研究,比较全面地研究了其实现成本优化的方法。本文的主要研究内容有: (1)从创新刀具管理方面进行成本优化研究,基于创新刀具管理的方法,详细介绍了刀具PPG理念,改善切削方法以提高切削效率,循环改进提升成本利用空间,建立内外考评监控机制以及运用精益的思想管理流程等。做到最大限度地消除浪费、提高效率、创造价值,使企业的产品在价格、质量、准时交付等几方面上具有竞争力,从而获取最佳的经济效益。 (2)从提高生产效率方面进行成本优化研究,基于运用3P分析方法对生产线现状进行分析,改进现场布局,改善工艺过程,从而达到减少工时消耗,减少搬运距离,缩短生产周期,降低生产成本的目的。 (3)从工艺攻关方面进行成本优化研究,基于工艺攻关的成本优化的方法,,详细分析以MD3065134零件为代表的高压扩压器罩家族类零件加工工艺,改进加工工艺,然后对改善效果进行评价分析,通过工艺攻关来达到提高效率,降低生产成本的目的。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the economic globalization era, the division of labor and cooperation between different countries and regions are constantly developing and deepening. From vertical integration to horizontal integration, many international companies focus on the core competitive business and outsource the bad business to achieve the optimal allocation of resources. However, in the process of acquiring outsourcing services, manufacturing enterprises need to have satisfactory quality and lower prices than competitors in order to obtain international manufacturing outsourcing orders. Therefore, when the enterprise completes the international manufacturing outsourcing, it needs to use the relevant theories and methods to improve the current production mode, so as to achieve the purpose of cost optimization. In this paper, based on the current situation and cost of international manufacturing outsourcing business of China Southern Company, combined with the requirements of order demand of manufacturing outsourcing business, the method of cost optimization is studied comprehensively by using theoretical analysis and practical research. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) the cost optimization research is carried out from the aspect of innovative tool management. Based on the method of innovative tool management, the concept of tool PPG is introduced in detail, and the cutting method is improved to improve the cutting efficiency. Cycle improvement to improve the use of cost space, the establishment of internal and external evaluation monitoring mechanism and the use of lean ideological management process. To minimize waste, improve efficiency, create value, and make the products competitive in price, quality, delivery on time, etc. In order to obtain the best economic benefits. (2) to improve the production efficiency of cost optimization research, based on the use of 3P analysis method to analyze the production line status, improve the site layout, improve the process, In order to reduce man-hour consumption, reduce transportation distance, shorten production cycle, reduce production costs. (3) cost optimization from the aspects of technological research, based on the cost optimization method, The processing technology of the high pressure diffuser cover family part represented by MD3065134 is analyzed in detail, and the processing technology is improved. Then, the effect of the improvement is evaluated and analyzed to improve the efficiency and reduce the production cost.


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