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发布时间:2018-07-28 11:21
[Abstract]:At present, the agricultural and rural development of our country has entered a new stage. It is urgent to speed up the construction of a new agricultural management system in order to cope with the problems of agriculture and industrialization, the rural hollowing, the aging of farmers, the solution of the land and the kind of good land. The family farm is a new type of agricultural operation subject, the farmer family members are the main labor force, and the agricultural management is collected. As the main source of income, the household contracted land or transferred land, engaged in large-scale, intensive and commercialized agricultural production, retained the kernel of household management, adhered to the basic status of family management, adapted to the basic national conditions of our country, accorded with the characteristics of agricultural production, fit for the stage of economic and social development, and was the household contract management of farmers. It is one of the most important ways to improve the level of agricultural intensive management. Therefore, the family farm lacks a set of independent and perfect financial evaluation index system in the family farm. This is the main purpose of this article to establish family farm finance. The evaluation index system is the fundamental motivation of the research content. The main research work is to establish a set of perfect financial evaluation index system of family farm through the screening of various financial evaluation indexes, and to provide a reliable tool for the bank to evaluate the financial situation of the family farm, and to guide the family farm to choose the management project and improve the management of the family farm. In this paper, the financial evaluation index system of family farm is established on the basis of family farm and financial evaluation theory. This paper mainly includes the establishment of a perfect family farm financial evaluation index system and family. The application of the financial evaluation index system of the farm. The work of establishing the financial evaluation index system of the family farm mainly is to select the 20 financial indexes of the primary election by using the expert investigation method, and finally determine the 5 basic financial indexes and the weight of each index, so as to build a comprehensive and perfect financial evaluation index system; The application of the financial evaluation index system of the court farm mainly is the family farm model which is conceived on the basis of advanced production technology provided by various periodicals and the family farm model collected through field investigation, from which 20 representative family farm models are selected to make use of the comprehensive and perfect financial evaluation index system. In the financial estimation process of family farm, the importance of each financial evaluation index in the evaluation system is different in the family farm financial calculation process, so after knowing the weight of each financial evaluation index, all the indexes after the dimensionless treatment are calculated through the weight calculation of the comprehensive index; in the family farm finance. In the process of comprehensive evaluation of the evaluation index system, because the economic significance of each index is different from each other, some belong to the positive index, some belong to the reverse index and do not have the comparability. After determining the actual value of the index, it is necessary to solve the problem of the comprehensiveness among the indexes, so the author has carried out the dimensionless treatment of the index, that is, through the index The final conclusion of this study is summed up on the basis of the theoretical and empirical research of the full text. One is the role of the evaluation model: 1, the system can objectively evaluate the financial situation of the family farm; 2, the bank can provide loans to family farms based on the system, and the second It is the choice of family farm management model: the system can guide family farm subject science to select business projects. According to the conclusions, two suggestions are put forward to the bank. First, help family farms establish financial accounting system; second, train family farm financial evaluation professionals.


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