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发布时间:2018-08-10 20:59
[Abstract]:With the gradual improvement of market economy system, the financial management of enterprises in our country is becoming more and more standardized. However, the cash management of most enterprises is still in the stage of extensive management, which leads to the excessive financial management expenses of enterprises. The waste of resources is not conducive to the sustainable development of enterprises. This paper first summarizes the research background and significance of cash management, summarizes the current situation of cash management research at home and abroad, clarifies the purpose and method of cash management research, and determines the basic technical route of this paper. Then, the paper analyzes the achievements of cash management of KYYY company, the existing problems: monetary funds and short-term loans in a certain period of time at the same time to maintain a large amount of money, bank acceptance bills and payback ratio remains high; The deep causes of the problem are: insufficient cash management consciousness, backward cash management means, insufficient transparency of cash management, imperfect financial management mechanism and insufficient internal cash control. The detailed cash management model and its significance are put forward. Finally, according to the particularity of KYYY company, the paper constructs a suitable cash management model, which includes cash flow, account management, material purchase, cash security, cash flow budget management and other cash management links. To formulate the detailed cash management implementation plan and steps of KYYY company, determine the specific measures of KYYY company to realize cash fine management, including the fine management of cash on hand, fine management of accounts receivable, perfect material purchase budget system, To deal with the relationship between cash flow and stock, to strengthen the supervision of cash usage, to perfect the examination mechanism of enterprises, to improve the finer cash management consciousness of financial personnel and so on. The fine cash management must be realized with the help of the standard cash management system of the enterprise and the perfect financial management mechanism. To optimize the business process of cash management, to make the internal financial control system more scientific and reasonable, to ensure the safety of cash management, which can improve the efficiency of cash management. The quality of cash management has certain reference value.


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