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发布时间:2018-08-11 08:45
【摘要】:公共基础设施建设是经济社会发展的重要支撑,同时也是一个国家和地区发达程度的重要指标。随着经济发展水平的不断提高,公共基础设施投资规模日渐庞大,依靠当期的财政预算投入已远远无法满足经济社会发展的实际需求,公共基础设施的投融资理论在实践中应运而生并不断丰富发展。 从我国基础设施建设投融资实践来看,以政府为主导的融资是基础设施投资建设的主要资金来源,社会化融资手段匮乏,形式相对单一。尽管从20世纪90年代以来,投融资体制改革为社会资本进入基础设施领域拆除行业壁垒,但在实践中,由于配套改革措施的滞后,加之基础设施领域的公益性、自然垄断性等特征,社会资本的进入仍存在着诸多障碍。这样就形成了大规模的政府融资与投资建设管理低效率并存的现状,导致整个社会资源配置畸形,进而形成巨大的财政风险。如果不采取有效措施加以遏制,基础设施建设就会日益成为地方财政的巨大负担。通过总结我国基础设施投融资体制改革的基本经验,借鉴西方主要发达国家基础设施建设投融资的基本模式、历史沿革,目的是解决和规范我国地方政府的融资行为,提高政府投资效率,推进基础设施建设的良性循环。 从区分政府主导和私人主导入手,研究基础设施投融资体制改革的路径和对策。以政府作为基础设施建设的投融资主体面临两个问题:一是政府投资管理效率低下,造成财政资金和其他融入资金的损失浪费;二是由于政府包揽过多的基础设施建设,容易导致财政压力和风险增加。针对政府主导的投融资问题,重点从改进投资管理方式和改善地方政府的融资困境入手,提出相应的解决对策。对于私人主导的基础设施投融资问题,则以推进特许经营制度为主要突破口,同时把特许经营制度的概念扩大化,探索建立起一种既能够保障公共利益又能实现基础设施产业化发展的制度安排。基础设施民营化是推进投融资体制改革的一种选择,民营化实质是建立一种公私部门之间的合作关系。合同承包、政府补助和购买、项目出售、放松规制等一系列民营化模式都可以视为这样一种合作关系,也都具有特许经营的性质。 对于财政用于公共基础设施方面的投资,要量力而行,区分轻重缓急,要通过完善的转移支付制度和明确的事权划分,遏制地方政府的投资冲动,同时要把有限的财政资金使用效率提高,通过代建制的安排来遏制部门预算的冲动。对于具有经营性的基础设施,要尽可能地开放市场,充分利用竞争规则提高公共基础设施建设运营的效率,重点是要建立和完善特许经营制度框架,在基础设施建设领域内形成政府与私人资本的紧密合作关系,以提高全社会的资源配置效率,降低经济运行的总成本。
[Abstract]:The construction of public infrastructure is not only an important support for economic and social development, but also an important indicator of the degree of development of a country and a region. With the continuous improvement of the level of economic development, the scale of public infrastructure investment is increasing, relying on the current financial budget investment is far from meeting the actual needs of economic and social development. The theory of investment and financing of public infrastructure emerged as the times require in practice and developed continuously. From the practice of investment and financing in infrastructure construction in China, the government-led financing is the main source of capital for infrastructure investment and construction. The socialized financing means are scarce and the form is relatively simple. Although since the 1990s, the reform of investment and financing system has resulted in the removal of trade barriers for social capital to enter the field of infrastructure, but in practice, due to the lagging of supporting reform measures and the public welfare in the field of infrastructure, There are still many obstacles to the entry of social capital with the characteristics of natural monopoly. In this way, a large scale of government financing and inefficient investment and construction management co-exist, resulting in the malconfiguration of the whole social resources, and then forming a huge financial risk. If we do not take effective measures to curb, infrastructure construction will increasingly become a huge burden on local finance. Through summing up the basic experience of infrastructure investment and financing system reform in our country, drawing lessons from the basic mode and historical evolution of infrastructure investment and financing in major western developed countries, the purpose is to solve and standardize the financing behavior of our local government. Improve the efficiency of government investment and promote the virtuous circle of infrastructure construction. Starting with the distinction between government and private ownership, this paper studies the path and countermeasures of infrastructure investment and financing system reform. The government as the main investment and financing entity in infrastructure construction is faced with two problems: one is the inefficient management of government investment, which results in the loss and waste of financial funds and other investment funds; the other is that the government takes on too much infrastructure construction. Easy to lead to financial pressure and increased risk. In view of the government-led investment and financing problems, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures from improving the investment management mode and improving the financing dilemma of the local government. With regard to the issue of investment and financing of privately led infrastructure, the main breakthrough point is to promote the franchise system, and at the same time to expand the concept of the franchise system. To explore the establishment of a system that can protect the public interest and realize the development of infrastructure industrialization. The privatization of infrastructure is a choice to promote the reform of investment and financing system, and the essence of privatization is to establish a cooperative relationship between the public and private sectors. A series of privatization modes, such as contract contracting, government subsidy and purchase, project sale, deregulation and so on, can be regarded as such a cooperative relationship, and all of them have the nature of franchise. With regard to financial investment in public infrastructure, it is necessary to act within the limits of their capacity, to distinguish priorities and priorities, and to curb the investment impulse of local governments through a sound transfer payment system and a clear division of responsibilities. At the same time, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of using limited financial funds, and to curb the impulse of department budget through the arrangement of agency system. For operating infrastructure, it is necessary to open the market as far as possible and make full use of competition rules to improve the efficiency of public infrastructure construction and operation, with the emphasis on establishing and improving the framework of the franchise system. In order to improve the resource allocation efficiency of the whole society and reduce the total cost of economic operation, a close cooperation relationship between government and private capital is formed in the field of infrastructure construction.


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