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发布时间:2018-08-24 16:20
【摘要】:伴随“做大做强”战略的深入实施,合并成为多数事务所规模化发展的重要途径,对于合并相关问题的研究不仅关系到对现有事务所合并质量的考察,为政策监管提供参考,也关系到对未来事务所合并的指引,及时调整发现的问题,保证做大基础上实现真讵的做强、做精、做专。现有文献对我国事务所合并动因及影响的研究已形成了一定的积累,但是对于合并后整合效果的直接研究并不是很多,且多集中于制度安排层面,本文期望通过对可观测数据的分析,透过事务所的制度层面,直接从实施效果上考察合并后事务所是否真正实现了有效的整合与科学发展。 本文主要采用案例研究的方式,基于国富浩华会计师事务所合并前后的相关数据和文字说明,综合运用不同的分析指标,通过收益与风险的视角,分别提出理性假设预期,再以具体数据进行验证,考察国富浩华合并后完善统一的制度下是否真正实现了收入与风险的整合管理。写作结构大致安排如下:首先,对国内外合并动因、合并影响以及合并整合相关的文献进行梳理,选取实质整合效果考察作为论文的出发点;继而,对国富浩华的发展历程及显性合并成果进行趋势分析,大致观察合并后的发展效果;在此基础上,以事务所的视角将合并后收益与风险的变化最终落脚为审计收入的提升与审计风险的控制整合,分别从总体审计收入、审计收入构成、客户选择谨慎度、CPA检查风险以及审计风险控制效果五个方面设定假设,分析数据进行验证;最后,通过上文假设验证的结果,汇总国富浩华合并过程中展现出来的经验与不足,有针对性地提出相关改进建议。 研究认为,我们应当理性对待事务所合并后收入总水平的骤然增加,合并带来的规模扩大、人员翻番、收入叠加、排名跃进等固然短期内迅速提升了事务所的行业知名度,但长远的发展有赖于这种大的框架能否得到核心实力的支撑。行业专门化是最为直接而稳妥的实力培养途径,事务所在合并之前应当对参与合并各方的内部与外部行业专长有大致的了解,沿行业线整合,强化现有行业专长,同时注重合并以后强化行业专门化的优势,对参与合并事务所原有内部行业专长领域做重点的关注与发展,保证原有优势行业不丢失,并集中资源开发潜在专长行业,通过专长优势的积累不断在行业内扩大影响,实现跨越式发展。风险管理方面,事务所在合并之初应当及时建立起统一的客户管理机制,完善对新客户的质量评价方法,特别要审慎评判新承接ST客户的潜在风险水平,同时稳健地控制由于迅速承接大规模客户可能带来的不适应性风险;对合并引入的原有客户也要及时进行风险评价,剔除潜在风险较高的客户,实现合并后客户风险水平的统一管理;在控制客户质量的基础上,应当加强对检查风险的控制整合,注意合并前后分所之间CPA工作的控制与整合,强化分所间的业务互换与CPA交流,关注分所间的风险控制实施效果差异,使事务所的制度、资源等在合并后实现实质上的一体化。此外,事务所规模做大以后,信号传递机制效果加强,审计失败对事务所的影响作用更为深远,事务所在做大以后要更加坚定独立客观的立场,保持充分稳健的意见出具态度,在“做大”以后科学、稳步、高质量地“做精”、“做专”、“做强”。
[Abstract]:With the in-depth implementation of the "bigger and stronger" strategy, merger has become an important way for the large-scale development of most firms. The study of merger-related issues is not only related to the inspection of the quality of existing firms merger, but also related to the guidance of future firms merger, timely adjustment and discovery of problems. The existing literature has accumulated a certain amount of research on the motivation and impact of the merger of China's firms, but the direct research on the effect of the merger is not very much, and more focused on the level of institutional arrangements. This paper expects to analyze the observable data, through the transaction. At the institutional level, the paper examines whether the merged firms have achieved effective integration and scientific development directly from the implementation effect.
Based on the relevant data and written explanations before and after the merger of Guofu Haohua Accounting Firm, this paper uses different analysis indicators to put forward rational assumptions and expectations respectively from the perspective of income and risk, and then verifies them with concrete data to investigate the perfection and unification of Guofu Haohua Accounting Firm after its merger. The structure of the paper is as follows: Firstly, the motivation of mergers, the impact of mergers and the literature related to mergers and integration at home and abroad are sorted out, and the effect of substantive integration is selected as the starting point of the paper; secondly, the development process and the results of dominant mergers and acquisitions of Guofuhaohua are tended. On this basis, the change of profit and risk after the merger is ultimately settled in the promotion of audit revenue and the control and integration of audit risk from the perspective of the firm, respectively, from the overall audit revenue, audit revenue composition, customer choice caution, CPA inspection risk and audit risk control. Five aspects of the effect of hypothesis, analysis of data to verify; finally, through the above hypothesis test results, summarize the experience and shortcomings of the merger process of Goodrich Haohua, put forward relevant recommendations for improvement.
The research suggests that we should rationally treat the sudden increase of the total income level, the expansion of the scale, the doubling of personnel, the overlapping of income and the leap of ranking of the firms after the merger. Specialization is the most direct and safe way to cultivate strength. Before the merger, firms should have a general understanding of the internal and external industry expertise of the parties involved in the merger, integrate along the industry line, strengthen existing industry expertise, and pay attention to the advantages of strengthening industry specialization after the merger, and specialize in the original internal industry of the firms involved in the merger. Focus on long-term development, ensure that the existing industries do not lose their advantages, and focus on resources to develop potential industries, through the accumulation of expertise advantages in the industry to expand the impact of continuous development by leaps and bounds. Customers'quality evaluation methods should be especially prudent in judging the potential risk level of new ST customers, while steadily controlling the inadaptability risk caused by rapid large-scale customer acceptance; and timely risk assessment should be carried out for the merged original customers, so as to eliminate the customers with higher potential risk and realize the customer risk after merger. On the basis of controlling customer quality, we should strengthen the control and integration of inspection risk, pay attention to the control and integration of CPA work between branches before and after merger, strengthen the business interchange and CPA exchange between branches, pay attention to the difference of risk control implementation effect between branches, and make the system and resources of the office real after merger. In addition, the effect of the signaling mechanism is strengthened after the size of the firm is enlarged, and the impact of audit failure on the firm is far-reaching. After the firm is enlarged, the firm should be more firm, independent and objective, maintain a full and steady attitude, and do it scientifically, steadily and with high quality. "Be careful", "be specialized" and "be strong".


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