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发布时间:2018-08-27 09:57
[Abstract]:At present, the investment of agricultural listed companies in our country is facing severe practical difficulties, that is, because the profit margin of investment in agricultural industry is generally low, agricultural listed companies often choose to invest in non-agricultural industries. As a result, the outflow of agricultural funds and the investment in non-agricultural industries are restricted by various factors, which makes agricultural listed companies in a dilemma. Therefore, in this context, this paper studies the investment behavior of agricultural listed companies in order to improve the efficiency of agricultural listed investment and promote its sustainable and healthy development. In this paper, the concepts of agricultural listed companies, enterprise investment, equity structure and financing constraints are first expounded, and then based on the theories of enterprise investment, principal-agent, financing constraints, etc. Based on the analysis of the present investment situation and the characteristics of investment behavior of agricultural listed companies in China, an econometric model based on equity and financing is constructed, which is supplemented by enterprise size and corporate governance. This paper makes an empirical analysis on the influencing factors of the investment behavior of agricultural listed companies. At the same time, it takes Xinghe Biology, Denghai seed Industry, New Hope and four Agricultural listed companies in Luo Niushan as examples. Finally, the following conclusions are drawn: large shareholders are often able to determine the investment behavior of agricultural listed companies, and the restriction of financing channels is a difficult problem in reality. Financing constraints and corporate governance affect the investment behavior of agricultural listed companies in different aspects and degrees. Therefore, this paper puts forward the following policy suggestions: to establish the mechanism of supervision and balance of large shareholders; to expand the financing channels, to break down the restrictions on financing channels; to strengthen financial control and reduce the financial constraints of enterprises; to strengthen internal control; to improve the level of corporate governance.


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