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发布时间:2018-08-30 14:45
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the gradual promotion of the new medical system reform, China's health services have made considerable progress. At present, more than 90% of our hospital resources are concentrated in public hospitals. The public hospital reform is one of the five key reform tasks defined by the new medical reform. With the deepening of the urban public hospital reform, the competition between the public hospital and the health administration department is becoming increasingly fierce. Under such a background of reform, the health administration department understands the operation of its public hospital through the results of financial analysis. And make relevant decision, in order to benefit the future development of public hospital. The reform of urban public hospitals has brought about subversive changes in accounting information of public hospitals, and at the same time brought new challenges to the financial analysis work. Therefore, the research on the financial analysis work of public hospitals is aimed at realizing the public welfare of public hospitals. It is of great significance to give full play to the function of forecasting and decision making in financial analysis. This paper takes Harbin Health and Family Planning Commission as the main body of financial analysis, taking 14 public hospitals in Harbin as the research object, highlighting the commonweal nature of public hospitals. After combing the relevant literature on financial analysis of public hospitals at home and abroad, according to the main body of analysis, This paper introduces the situation and the present situation of financial analysis of the municipal health and family planning committee and 14 municipal public hospitals, combined with the reform trend of the public hospitals, the development direction of the public health industry in Harbin. The problems existing in the financial analysis of municipal public hospitals are summarized. By summing up the present situation, we find out the existing problems in financial analysis objectives, financial analysis results, financial analysis methods and financial analysis contents, and carry out in-depth analysis. On this basis, the specific financial analysis objectives are put forward, the application of financial analysis results is strengthened, and on the basis of drawing lessons from the financial analysis indicators of public hospitals in the United States and the United States, according to the different needs of the users, This paper constructs the index system of financial analysis in public hospitals of Harbin City. By expanding the content of financial analysis, using the method of enterprise comprehensive financial analysis and carrying out financial environment analysis, the present financial analysis is transformed into comprehensive financial analysis. In order to highlight the public welfare of public hospitals in financial analysis, meet the requirements of the reform of public hospitals, do a good job in financial analysis of public hospitals, strengthen financial management and supervision, standardize financial behavior, and promote the healthy development of public hospitals.


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