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发布时间:2019-02-28 16:19
【摘要】:20世纪70年代以来,国家确立的农村中的家庭承包经营制度,这一制度的问世,提高了我国农民的生产积极性,农产品的质量大幅度提升。在为满足市场的多样化需求、降低成本、增加农民的经济收入的前提下,农民对于组织化的需求日益迫切,农民合作社作为一个既能够满足农民的需求又可以在市场上有竞争力的新型的农民组织形式得到了快速的发展。 农民专业合作社是新型的市场主体,也是特殊企业形式。它的组成形式是以农户自愿加入、退社自由为基础,从自我生产、自我经营、自负盈亏的管理模式在市场上独立的存在。农民专业合作社冲破了以前的市场经济的固有模式,当今的市场经济的背景下一方面为农民的利益作保障,一方面也推动着当地农村的经济发展,同时也标志着当地农村经济的发展进程。这也是农民专业合作社在这几年快速发展的原因。但是,在农民专业合作社快速发展的同时普遍存在着融资困难、资金短缺的问题。鸡西市农民专业合作社同样也存在着这个问题,原始资金的缺乏,加上融资渠道的单一,限制了农民专业合作社继续扩大再生产的发展脚步。在近几年下达的中央一号文件中都有对农民专业合作社的发展要求,并且农民专业合作社已成为农村经济发展中的重要组成部分,在这个大背景之下,解决农民专业合作社的融资困难是刻不容缓的,是建设和谐农村、加快发展农村经济、关注民生的重要问题。 本文运用采用调查研究和文献研究相结合的研究方法、微观分析与宏观分析相结合的研究方法,按照提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路,文章首先确定了农民专业合作社及其融资的基本理论,界定了农民专业合作社的定义、性质以及融资的涵义和特点,通过实地调研和整理资料统计分析了鸡西市农民专业合作社融资现状,从中得出资金短缺是融资最为突出的困难,进而研究了融资困境的原因分析:在解决问题中,因地制宜制定一套符合于鸡西市农民专业合作社融资困难的实际情况,由地方政府、金融机构、还有农民专业合作社的内部组织化管理应当要如何确立对策,优化对策,最后要积极实施对策。本文研究这一问题的目的就是要把鸡西市农民专业合作社融资问题解决,促进农村的经济发展。
[Abstract]:Since the 70 's in the 20th century, the system of family contract management in the rural areas established by the state has improved the production enthusiasm of the Chinese farmers and the quality of the agricultural products. Under the premise of meeting the diversified demands of the market, reducing the cost and increasing the economic income of the farmers, the demand of the farmers for the organization is becoming more and more urgent, As a new type of farmer's organization that can meet the needs of the farmers and can be competitive in the market, the farmers' cooperatives have been developed rapidly. The farmer's professional cooperative is a new type of market main body, and it is also a special enterprise shape The form of its composition is based on the voluntary accession of the farmer and the free society, and the management mode of self-production, self-operation and self-profit and loss is independent in the market. In the background of today's market economy, the farmers' professional cooperative has broken through the intrinsic mode of the former market economy. On the one hand, the economic development of the local rural areas is also promoted, and the development of the local rural economy is also marked. This is also the origin of the rapid development of the farmer's professional co-operatives in these years However, in the rapid development of the farmer's professional cooperative, the problem of financing difficulty and the shortage of funds The problem is that the farmers' professional co-operatives in the Jixi City also have this problem. The lack of the original funds and the single financing channel limit the development feet of the farmers' professional cooperatives to continue to expand the reproduction. Step. In the central No.1 document issued in recent years, there are the development requirements for the farmer's professional cooperative, and the farmer's professional cooperative has become an important part of the rural economic development, under this great background, it is urgent to solve the financing difficulty of the farmer's professional cooperative It is an important question to build a harmonious rural area, to speed up the development of the rural economy and to pay attention to the people's livelihood The paper uses the research method, the micro-analysis and the macro-analysis to combine the research method, the micro-analysis and the macro-analysis to solve the problem and solve the problem. The paper first determines the basis of the farmer's professional cooperative and its financing. In this paper, the definition, nature and the meaning and characteristics of the farmer's professional cooperative are defined, and the current situation of the financing of the farmer's professional cooperative in Jixi City is analyzed and analyzed through the field investigation and arrangement data, and the fund shortage is the most outstanding. In order to solve the problems, the paper also studies the reason analysis of the financing dilemma: in the problem solving, a suit of practical conditions for the financing difficulties of the farmers' professional cooperative in Jixi City is set up according to the local conditions, and the local government, the gold and the gold In addition, the internal organization and management of the farmer's professional cooperative should establish the countermeasures, optimize the countermeasures, and finally make an active contribution. The purpose of this paper is to solve the problem of the financing of the farmers' professional cooperative in Jixi City, and to promote the development of the rural areas.


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