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发布时间:2018-01-04 09:13

  本文关键词:建国初期东北地区春节习俗变迁 出处:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 东北地区 春节习俗 政治化 革命化

【摘要】:建国初期,党根据当时的政治经济形势,对春节习俗进行了初步的改造,并制定了一系列的春节习俗政策。东北地区也顺应了党和国家的号召,在20世纪五六十年代,春节习俗从政治性到革命性,完成了由“神”主体到“人”主体的转变。本文分为三大部分: 第一章主要阐释建国前东北地区的传统春节习俗,主要包括建国前东北地区的民族构成情况及其所体现出来的特点,这是东北春节习俗形成的民族基础;进一步阐释东北地区的传统春节习俗,包括以汉族为主体的东北传统春节习俗和带有少数民族特色的春节习俗。本章主要强调建国前东北春节习俗的传统性,为与变迁后的春节习俗作比较提供铺垫。 第二章主要阐释20世纪50年代前后(1949-1956年)东北地区的政治化春节习俗,主要包括该时期国家的政治经济形势及社会状况、国家以及东北地区在春节习俗方面的政策,这是春节习俗发生变化的环境基础;进一步阐释该时期东北地区的春节习俗在物质层面、娱乐层面以及文化层面的变化,重点强调其政治化的变迁。本章主要强调50年代前后东北春节习俗的政治化,主要特点是“新旧结合”,这是春节习俗的第一次重大变迁,“次人化”倾向比较明显。 第三章主要阐释20世纪60年代前后(1957-1965年)在“以阶级斗争为纲”思想的影响下,东北地区的革命化春节习俗,主要包括该时期国家的政治经济形势及社会状况、国家以及东北地区在春节习俗方面的政策,,这是春节习俗发生变化的环境基础;进一步阐释该时期东北地区的春节习俗在物质层面、娱乐层面以及文化层面的变化,重点强调其革命化的变迁。本章主要强调60年代前后东北春节习俗的革命化,这是一次质的变迁,主要特点是“破旧立新”,实现了春节主体由“神”到“人”的转化。 结语部分是对前三章阐释内容的提升,评析了各个时期东北春节习俗的状况,特别是从传统文化的角度,对春节习俗的五六十年代的两次变迁进行了利与弊的分析。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China, according to the political and economic situation at that time, the Party carried out a preliminary reform of Spring Festival customs and formulated a series of Spring Festival custom policies. The Northeast region also complied with the call of the Party and the country. In 20th century, Spring Festival's custom changed from political to revolutionary, from "God" to "man". This paper is divided into three parts: The first chapter mainly explains the traditional Spring Festival customs in Northeast China before the founding of the people's Republic of China, mainly including the ethnic composition and the characteristics of the Northeast before the founding of the people's Republic of China, which is the national basis of the formation of Spring Festival customs in Northeast China. Further explain the traditional Spring Festival customs in Northeast China, including the Northeast tradition Spring Festival custom with Han nationality as the main body and Spring Festival custom with minority characteristics. This chapter mainly emphasizes the tradition of Northeast Spring Festival custom before the founding of the people's Republic of China. In order to compare with the changing Spring Festival customs. The second chapter mainly explains the politicized Spring Festival customs in Northeast China before and after 1950s (1949-1956), mainly including the political and economic situation and social situation of the country during that period. The policy of the state and Northeast China in the Spring Festival customs, which is the environmental basis for the change of Spring Festival customs; Further explain the northeast of the period of Spring Festival customs in the material level, entertainment level and cultural level changes. This chapter mainly emphasizes the politicization of Spring Festival custom in Northeast China around 50s, which is characterized by the combination of new and old, which is the first major change of Spring Festival custom. The tendency of "sub-personalization" is obvious. The third chapter mainly explains the revolutionary Spring Festival custom in Northeast China under the influence of "taking class struggle as the outline" before and after 1960s. It mainly includes the political and economic situation and social situation of the country in this period, the policy of the country and the northeast region in Spring Festival custom, which is the environmental basis of Spring Festival custom change. Further explain the northeast of the period of Spring Festival customs in the material level, entertainment level and cultural level changes. This chapter mainly emphasizes the revolutionization of Spring Festival custom in Northeast China before and after 60s, which is a qualitative change, which is characterized by "breaking the old and building new". The transformation of Spring Festival's main body from "God" to "man" was realized. The conclusion part is to the first three chapters to explain the content promotion, has evaluated each period Northeast Spring Festival custom condition, especially from the traditional culture angle. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the two changes of Spring Festival custom in the 1950s and 1960s.


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2 王彦龙;甘肃农村春节文化的特点及变迁研究[D];兰州大学;2008年

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