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发布时间:2018-01-04 09:14

  本文关键词:上海旅游业的产业关联度分析研究 出处:《上海师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 上海 旅游业 产业关联度

【摘要】:旅游产业涉及面较广,旅游业的发展不仅能够满足人们需求,提升生活质量,而且能够带动其他产业的发展。旅游业已成为国民经济的重要增长点,甚至成为一些地区的支柱产业。就上海旅游业的发展现状来看,上海是一个缺少名山大川铺垫和悠久历史文化积淀的城市,旅游资源的欠缺使上海都市旅游的发展遭遇了瓶颈:一方面,中心城区继续打造优势景观的空间余地有限;另一方面,在人文旅游资源方面,虽然海派文化留下大量建筑等载体,但是总体布局比较分散,除了豫园外其他要么不具备规模,要么难以形成可收门票的景观。在人造景观方面,都市外围的人造景观效益低下,除佘山、淀山湖与朱家角、崇明森林公园等少数旅游景点对市民及游客有吸引力外,其他普遍效益不理想。上海过去乏善可陈,除了设备陈旧的锦江乐园外没有能够吸引旅游人群的主题公园,因此嘉年华来到上海引起巨大轰动,获得极大成功。虽然近年来大有改观,欢乐谷已经投入运营,世博会的成功举办以及后世博所拉动的旅游经济效应,迪斯尼已经获得审批,尤其是迪斯尼乐园将吸引全国的游客。但是总体而言,上海的旅游资源不足,不像杭州那样有众多的旅游资源和旅游产品,这也限制了旅游业成为上海的支柱产业。上海市旅游景观资源的单一和贫乏,导致上海都市旅游发展潜力不足。 在上海旅游产业发展大会上,上海市提出要在“十二五”期间投入400亿元,建设13个市级旅游重点项目,到“十二五”期末,把上海初步建成世界著名旅游城市。届时,上海将构筑起“一圈四区三带一岛”的全新都市旅游空间。“十二五”的规划纲要表明旅游业将成为上海未来五年重点建设的产业之一,旅游业的发展将在很大程度上拉动其他产业的共同发展。 研究产业与产业之间的关联度可以通过投入产出表的数据加以衡量,并测算出相关评价指标,进而反映出产业与产业之间的技术关联关系。通过分析这种产业之间的关系,能够揭示出目标产业对其他产业造成的影响,从而分析出目标产业对整个国民经济的宏观经济效应。衡量产业关联度的基本方法是投入产出模型,基本系数包括前向关联系数、后向关联系数、影响力系数和感应度系数;从分析产业关联发展产生的宏观经济效应的角度看,主要通过就业效应、产业投资、消费和出口效应等指标分析旅游产业同其他产业的关联发展对国民经济所产生的影响。 本文基于上海旅游业的发展现状,首先分析上海旅游业同其他产业关联发展所存在的不足以及同其他产业融合的缺陷所在;然后依据投入产出表的数据,,从产业关联度的角度出发,重点分析上海旅游业同其他产业之间的联系以及对就业、投资、消费和出口所产生的影响,从而分析上海旅游业所产生的宏观经济效应。最后结合投入产出模型分析与对比分析所得出的结论,对上海旅游业的发展提出了一些建议。
[Abstract]:The development of tourism industry has become an important growth point of national economy and can drive the development of other industries . In view of the development of Shanghai tourism , Shanghai is an important growth point in the national economy , and it has become a pillar industry in some areas . In the aspect of man - made landscape , Shanghai is a shortage of tourist resources and tourism products . At the end of the 12th Five - Year Plan period , Shanghai will construct a brand - new urban tourism space of the world ' s famous tourism city . At the end of the 12th Five - Year Plan , Shanghai will construct a brand - new urban tourism space of " Three Belt and One Island " in Shanghai . The 12th Five - Year Plan outline shows that tourism will become one of the five key industries in Shanghai in the next five years . The development of tourism will greatly stimulate the common development of other industries . The relationship between the research industry and the industry can be measured by the data of the input - output table , and the correlation between the industry and the industry can be measured . By analyzing the relationship between the industry and the industry , the basic method of measuring the industrial association degree is the input - output model . The basic method of measuring the industrial association degree is the input - output model . The basic coefficient includes the forward correlation coefficient , the backward correlation coefficient , the influence coefficient and the inductivity coefficient ; Based on the present situation of tourism in Shanghai , this paper first analyzes the deficiency of the development of tourism and other industries in Shanghai and the defects of integration with other industries . Then , according to the data of input - output table , the paper analyzes the relationship between Shanghai tourism industry and other industries and the impact on employment , investment , consumption and export . Finally , based on the conclusion drawn from the analysis of input - output model and comparative analysis , some suggestions are put forward for the development of tourism industry in Shanghai .



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1 赵雅萍;;旅游对区域经济差异的影响:一个文献综述[J];北京第二外国语学院学报;2013年09期




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