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发布时间:2018-01-04 16:23

  本文关键词:三大口岸入境外国旅游流地理分布与网络特征对比研究 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 京、沪、穗口岸 入境旅游流 旅游流网络 社会网路分析法

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国入境旅游业依托强大的资源与政策优势得以迅猛发展。截止2011年,已经成为继法国、美国之后世界第三大入境旅游目的地国家。然而我国入境旅游市场长期呈现港澳台市场占80%以上,外国市场不足20%的“二八”结构,拓展入境外国市场是中国入境旅游业发展面临的重要任务。京、沪、穗作为我国入境旅游的三大主要口岸,以及环渤海、长三角和珠三角经济区的核心城市,已经成为我国入境旅游业发展的主要增长极。三大口岸无论是入境旅游接待量还是外汇收入均位居全国前列,且同时是国内其他省市入境旅游流的重要中转口岸和“二手客源地”,对我国入境旅游流的空间分布和扩散有着重要的作用和影响。因此,对比研究京、沪、穗三大口岸入境外国旅游流的地理分布特征和流动规律对于拓展全国及其他省市入境外国市场均具有重要意义。 本文采用问卷调查法,在北京、上海、广州和西安等10个热点旅游城市进行入境外国游客信息采样,共获得了2158份三大口岸入境外国游客的调查问卷。在国内外研究综述的基础上,应用地图分析法对三大口岸入境外国旅游流的地理分布和流动规律进行了对比研究。应用社会网络分析法,对三大口岸入境外国旅游流网络的整体结构特征和个体位置进行了对比研究。 主要研究结论为: (1)从京、沪、穗三大口岸入境的外国旅游流空间分布都不均衡,集中分布在中东部地区,西北地区、青藏高原地区和东北地区均塌陷显著,呈现出“东密西疏”的总体趋势。其中,从北京入境的外国旅游流的分布范围最广,高等级的入境外国旅游流主要分布在长三角地区、泛珠三角地区、大西安和成渝地区,一个“金 三角”(北京-西安-上海)和四个“银三角”:(北京-上海-桂林、北京-桂林-上海、北京-西安-成都、杭州-苏州-上海)构成了北京入境旅游流的总体框架。从上海入境的外国旅游流的分布范围次之,高等级的入境外国旅游流主要分布在长三角地区内部。上海-苏州-杭州,苏州-杭州-南京、上海-北京-桂林构成了匕海入境外国旅游流的总体框架。从广州入境的外国旅游流的分布范围最小,形成了以广州、香港、桂林、上海、北京为核心,以泛珠三角地区和长三角地区为集聚与扩散区域的空间分布格局。 (2)从京、沪、穗三大口岸入境的外国旅游流空间扩散强度在节点城市间分布不均衡,“向丰性”和“趋高性”是其空间扩散的主要特点。从北京和上海入境的外国旅游流在目的地城市间的有向流动符合“二八定律”,即80%的有向流动发生在近20%的城市对之间。从广州入境的外国旅游流在目的地城市间的有向流动主要发生在在少数高频城市对之间。 (3)北京和广州入境外国旅游流网络为典型的核心边缘网络,网络内部核心节点少而边缘节点多,网络整体密度低且集中化趋势明显。上海入境外国旅游流网络不构成核心边缘网络。三大口岸入境外国旅游流网络中均存在明显的强派系。这些强派系间成员交叉性显著,成员数量多的派系内部区域跨度大,成员少的派系呈现区域内集中分布的特征。三大口岸均出现了一些比较稳定的目的地组合:北京-上海、北京-西安和桂林-上海是北京入境外国旅游流网络中较为理想的旅游目的地组合;北京-桂林是上海入境外国旅游流网络中较为理想的目的地组合;广州-桂林是广州入境外国旅游流网络中较为理想的旅游目的地组合。 (4)三大口岸入境外国旅游流网络均具有明显的等级结构,节点的等级越高,节点数量越少。京、沪、穗分别是各自旅游流网络最核心的节点,广州在京、沪两大口岸入境外国旅游流网络中的地位较低。北京、上海、桂林和西安等4个城市对三大口岸入境旅游流的集散和中转能力均较强,这4个城市也是北京入境旅游流的重要集散中心和中转中心。以上海为核心的长三角地区和以广州为核心的珠三角地区内部城市分别在从上海和从广州入境的外国旅游流集散与中转方面发挥着重要作用。 本研究的创新之处: (1)首次对三大口岸入境外国旅游流地理分布网络与网络拓扑结构及类型进行了对比研究。 (2)研究发现北京和上海入境外国旅游流网络为典型的核心边缘网络,从北京和上海入境的外国旅游流在目的地城市间的有向流动符合“二八定律”。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's inbound tourism based on resource and policy advantages of powerful to rapid development. By the end of 2011, after the United States has become France, the world's third largest tourist destination country. However, China's inbound tourism market is showing a long-term market in Hong Kong and Taiwan foreign market accounted for more than 80%, less than 20% of the "28" structure. The inbound foreign market is an important task for the development of China inbound tourism. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou as the three major ports of entry tourism in China, and the Bohai sea, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta Economic Zone core City, has become a major growth in the development of China's tourism industry. The three major ports both inbound travel or foreign exchange income are among the nation's, and also is an important transit port of inbound tourism flows in other domestic provinces and cities and the "secondary source" of China's inbound tourism flow The spatial distribution and dispersion of the three ports play an important role and influence. Therefore, the comparative study of the geographical distribution characteristics and the flow rules of the inbound foreign tourist flows at Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou ports is of great significance for expanding the entry of foreign markets across the country and other provinces.
This paper adopts the method of questionnaire survey, in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xi'an 10 hot tourist city for foreign tourists information sampling, received a total of 2158 questionnaires of three major ports of entry of foreign tourists. Based on the domestic and foreign research review and analysis to make a comparative study of the geographic distribution of inbound foreign tourist flow the three major ports and flow pattern map application. The application of social network analysis, the three major ports of inbound foreign tourist flow network's overall structure and individual position are studied.
The main conclusions are as follows:
(1) from Beijing, Shanghai, the spatial distribution of foreign tourism flow spike three ports of entry are not balanced, concentrated in the eastern region, northwest region and the northeast region of Qinghai Tibet Plateau are collapse significantly, showing the overall trend of Eastern sparse ". Among them, the foreign tourist flow range from Beijing the most widely, high level of inbound foreign tourist flow is mainly distributed in the Yangtze River Delta region, the Pearl River Delta, Xi'an and Chengdu Chongqing region, a" golden
Delta (Beijing - Xi'an - Shanghai) and the four "Silver Triangle": (Beijing - Shanghai - Guilin, Beijing - Guilin - Shanghai, Beijing - Xi'an - Chengdu, Hangzhou - Suzhou - Shanghai) constitute the overall framework of inbound tourism flows in Beijing. From the Shanghai inbound foreign tourist flow distribution of the high grade, the inbound foreign tourist flow is mainly distributed in the Yangtze River Delta region. Within the Shanghai - Suzhou - Hangzhou, Suzhou - Hangzhou - Nanjing, Shanghai - Beijing - Guilin constitute the overall framework of the Bi sea inbound foreign tourism flow. Foreign tourism flow range from the entry of Guangzhou minimum, formed in Guangzhou, Hongkong. Guilin, Shanghai, Beijing as the core, the Pan Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta region agglomeration and diffusion region spatial distribution pattern.
(2) from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou three ports of entry of foreign tourism flow diffusion intensity in space uneven distribution between city nodes, "Feng" and "hypsotaxis" is the main characteristic of the spatial diffusion. From Beijing and Shanghai inbound foreign tourist flow in the destination city to have the the flow in accordance with the "28 law", namely the 80% directed flow occurs in nearly 20% of the city of Guangzhou. From the entry of foreign tourists in the destination city between the directed flow mainly occurred in between to a high frequency city.
(3) Beijing and Guangzhou inbound foreign tourist flow network as the core of the typical internal edge network, network core node and edge node much less, the overall network density and low concentration trend obvious. Shanghai inbound foreign tourist flow network does not constitute the core of the edge of the network. There are obvious strong factions of the three ports inbound foreign tourist flow network. These strong faction member of cross is remarkable, the number of regional internal faction members span, fewer members faction characteristics within the region are concentrated. The three major ports are some of the more stable the destination group: Beijing - Shanghai, Beijing - Xi'an and Shanghai - Guilin is an ideal combination of Beijing inbound foreign tourist flow network in tourism destination; Beijing - Guilin is a combination of an ideal destination for Shanghai inbound foreign tourist flow network; Guangzhou - Guilin is Guangzhou inbound foreign tourism The ideal combination of tourist destinations in the flow network.
(4) three port network of inbound foreign tourist flow has obvious hierarchical structure, the higher the level of the node, the node number less. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou are the core nodes in tourist flow network, Guangzhou in Beijing, Shanghai port two inbound foreign tourism flow network in the lower position Beijing, Shanghai, Guilin and Xi'an 4 city of inbound tourism flow three port distribution and transfer ability are strong, the 4 city is an important center of inbound tourism flows in Beijing distribution and transit center. Within the city of Shanghai as the core of the Yangtze River Delta region and in Guangzhou as the core of the Pearl River Delta region respectively. From Shanghai and foreign tourism flow distribution and transfer from Guangzhou entry plays an important role.
The innovation of this study:
(1) a comparative study was made for the first time to compare the geographical distribution network and network topology of foreign tourist flows into three major ports.
(2) the study found that the entry network of foreign tourists in Beijing and Shanghai is a typical core periphery network. The flow of foreign tourist flows from Beijing to Shanghai is consistent with the 28 law.



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