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发布时间:2018-01-04 16:43

  本文关键词:舟山群岛新区建设背景下嵊泗县旅游发展研究 出处:《宁波大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 群岛新区 海岛旅游 发展对策

【摘要】:海岛旅游业是嵊泗县经济社会发展的支柱产业和重要的经济增长点。近年来嵊泗县高度重视海岛旅游业的发展,,积极倡导政府主导、企业参与的模式,加大了招商引资力度,加快推进旅游项目建设,扩宽了旅游营销模式。旅游产业步入快速发展期,旅游经济保持15%以上的年增长率。尽管如此嵊泗旅游还存在交通瓶颈制约、季节性明显、旅游配套设施相对落后、旅游文化挖掘不深、旅游行业档次较低等突出问题,严重制约了嵊泗海岛旅游的进一步发展。 随着浙江舟山群岛新区的建立,海洋海岛综合开发和保护得到了前所未有的重视,国家各项优惠政策将向新区倾斜,资金、人才等各项优势资源将向新区集聚。嵊泗县作为舟山市下辖的2区2县之一,具有独特的区位条件、优越的自然资源、优质的海鲜美食、丰厚的渔俗文化等各项优势,且是空间上相对独立、人口少、便于封闭管理的离岛,政策风险少,实验成本低,便于新区政策的先行先试。这些都为嵊泗海岛旅游业迎来了新的发展机遇。 在此背景之下,嵊泗海岛旅游发展需要紧跟新区步伐,加强对新区政策和新区定位的研究,利用新区发展有利契机,先行先试,立足嵊泗地方实际,积极向上争取政策、资金、人才等各项支持。如在海岛旅游科学规划上,要提升发展定位,向省级、国家级甚至国际级等更高级别看齐;在海岛旅游硬件设施建设上,要打造便利的交通环境,加强旅游配套设置建设等;在加强海岛旅游软实力建设上,要加强旅游人才的培养、加强旅游行业监管、提升海岛居民的素质等;在扩大海岛旅游知名度上,要打响嵊泗旅游口号、发展嵊泗旅游产品、拓宽旅游宣传方式等。通过这些举措,努力突破嵊泗旅游发展瓶颈,加快推动海岛旅游业发展壮大。
[Abstract]:Island tourism is a pillar industry of Shengsi economic and social development and an important economic growth point. In recent years, Shengsi County attaches great importance to the development of island tourism, actively promote the government led enterprises to participate in the mode, increase investment, accelerate the construction of tourism projects, tourism marketing pattern broadened tourism industry entered a rapid. The development of tourism economy, to maintain more than 15% annual growth rate. Though Shengsi tourism also has the traffic bottleneck, obvious seasonal tourism, relatively backward infrastructure, tourism and cultural tourism industry does not dig deep, low quality problems, seriously restricted the further development of island tourism in Shengsi.
With the establishment of the Zhejiang Zhoushan Islands District, ocean island comprehensive development and protection has been hitherto unknown attention, the preferential policies to the new area will tilt, funds, talents of the advantages of resources to the new cluster. Shengsi County as the 2 District of Zhoushan city under the jurisdiction of the county, one of the 2, has a unique geographical conditions, superior natural resources seafood delicacy, high quality, rich fishing custom culture and other advantages, and is relatively independent, small population, convenient for the closed management of Islands, policy risk, experimental low cost, convenient for the pilot. These new policies have ushered in new opportunities for the development of Shengsi island tourism.
Under this background, Shengsi island tourism development needs to keep up with the new step, strengthen the study of the new policy and new positioning, the use of new development opportunity, the pilot, based on Shengsi local reality, actively seek policy, funds, personnel and other support. Such as in the planning of island tourism science, to promote the development of positioning, to the provincial. The national and international level and higher level par; in island tourism facilities, to create convenient transportation environment, strengthen the construction of tourist facilities and other settings; to strengthen the island tourism soft power construction, to strengthen the cultivation of tourism talents, strengthen the supervision of the tourism industry, to enhance the quality of the island residents in expanding; island tourism popularity, started to Shengsi tourism slogan, the development of Shengsi tourism products, expand the tourist publicity. Through these initiatives, efforts to break through the development of tourism in Shengsi Bottlenecks will accelerate the development of the island's tourism industry.



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