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发布时间:2018-01-04 19:11

  本文关键词:哈尔滨松江湿地生态旅游开发研究 出处:《哈尔滨师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 湿地生态旅游 哈尔滨松江湿地 发展模式

【摘要】:作为全球三大生态系统之一的湿地,因其蕴含着丰富秀美的自然风光成为旅游开发一大新领域,当前全球掀起了湿地旅游的热潮。目前,哈尔滨市委、市政府正以“万顷松江湿地、百里生态长廊”为依托,把大力开发松花江哈尔滨段湿地旅游资源作为其旅游业发展的新亮点。 哈尔滨松江原生态湿地是全国面积最大的的城市湿地资源,也是国内大都市中位置最重要的城市生态廊道。因其穿越哈尔滨市区,水、陆、空交通便利且基础服务设施较完善,又因松江湿地范围内的5A级国家旅游景区太阳岛对客源市场的带动作用更宜于松江湿地开展综合旅游活动。松江湿地具有鲜明的地域性和个性化特征,综合优势明显。 本文在湿地生态旅游理论体系指导基础上,采取文献资料法、比较分析法和SWOT分析法等方法,通过对哈尔滨松江湿地旅游资源调查与评价,对哈尔滨湿地旅游开发可行性条件分析论证(SWOT),分析哈尔滨湿地旅游开发现状及存在问题,充分挖掘哈尔滨湿地旅游资源的魅力和潜力及其湿地旅游开发的优势资源及文化内涵;在借鉴国内外湿地旅游成功开发的模式基础上,依托哈尔滨大都市的区位优势、适宜避暑的气候优势、城市的文化优势、旅游客源优势和原生态的湿地资源优势,对湿地资源进行适度、合理、科学的开发,实施“一条主线,四个结合”的湿地旅游产品开发思路,形成湿地主题明确的特色生态旅游产品体系,构建了政府、企业、社区三位一体的湿地旅游开发管理模式,探究哈尔滨松江湿地生态旅游发展策略,为其可持续发展献计献策。也为国内外其它的城市湿地的生态旅游的多样化发展提供一些可行性借鉴。 本论文独到之处在于通过对哈尔滨松江原生态湿地的保护性开发探讨,,丰富了湿地生态旅游的理论,拓展了湿地旅游的开发空间,是对城市原生态湿地资源保护与利用的一种探索性尝试;通过都市湿地生态旅游开发,实现由城市生态向生态城市转变,在理论上探索了一条大都市发展与都市生态结合的科学协调持续发展之路。对在松花江湿地旅游业发展基础上打造符合本区域特点的绿色生态产业体系和环境景观产业链条,促进产业结构调整,带动地方经济发展,在获得更好的生态环境和生态效益的基础上取得良好的社会效益和生态环境效益,实现城市经济社会发展向生态文明方向的转型等方面有较大意义。
[Abstract]:As one of the world's three largest wetland ecosystem, because of its rich and beautiful natural scenery has become a new field of tourism development, the current world wetland tourism boom. At present, the Harbin municipal Party committee, municipal government is on million hectares of wetlands in Songjiang, 100 ecological corridor "as the basis, to develop tourism spot the Harbin section of Songhua River wetland resources as the development of the tourism industry.
Harbin Songjiang original ecological wetland is the largest area of the city wetland resources, is also the most important position in the metropolitan city. Because of its ecological corridor through the downtown area of Harbin, water, land and air transport facilities and service infrastructure is perfect, and because of the leading role of national 5A level scenic spots of Sun Island wetland in Songjiang within the scope of the tourist market is more suitable for Songjiang to carry out comprehensive wetland tourism activities. The Songjiang wetland has distinct regional and individual characteristics, comprehensive advantages.
Based on the guidance of the foundation of the eco tourism theory system of wetland, adopted the literature material method, comparative analysis method and SWOT analysis method, through the investigation and evaluation of tourism resources in Harbin wetland of Songjiang, analyzing the Harbin wetland tourism development feasibility condition (SWOT), analysis of the Harbin wetland tourism development status Quo and existing problems, to fully tap the advantages of resources and the cultural connotation of Harbin wetland tourism resources and its charm and potential of wetland tourism development; in the model of wetland tourism at home and abroad based on the successful development of Harbin City, relying on the geographical advantages, the advantages of the summer climate, city culture, tourist advantage and original ecological wetland resources, the wetland resources moderate, reasonable, scientific development, implementation of the "one main line, four combination of wetland tourism product development ideas, to form a wet landlord The specific characteristics of ecological tourism product system, constructing the government, enterprises, community three-in-one wetland tourism development and management mode, the research of Harbin Songjiang wetland ecotourism development strategy and suggestions for the sustainable development. Also offer diversified development at home and abroad for other city wetland ecological tourism to provide some practical reference.
This paper is to explore the originality development through the protection of Harbin Songjiang original ecological wetland, enrich the wetland ecological tourism theory, the development of wetland tourism development space, is a kind of exploration and utilization of city ecological wetland resources protection; through the city wetland eco-tourism development, realize the transition from city to ecological ecological city, in the theory of a metropolitan development combined with the urban ecological scientific sustainable development path. The tourism development in Songhua River wetland based on the build in accordance with the local characteristics of the green eco industrial system and landscape industry chain, promote the adjustment of industrial structure, promote local economic development, and achieved good social benefits and the benefit of ecological environment based on ecological environment and better ecological benefits, realize the city economic and social development to the ecological civilization. It is of great significance to the transformation of the direction.



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