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发布时间:2018-01-05 05:13

  本文关键词:沂源县发展生态旅游的策略研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 旅游管理 生态旅游 策略研究

【摘要】:本文在参考借鉴国内外专家学者研究成果的基础上,结合沂源县发展生态旅游实际现状,对沂源县生态旅游存在问题及发展策略进行研究。 通过对沂源县发展生态旅游现状的SW0T分析,首先评述了沂源县发展生态旅游的优势(Strengths)包括天然宜居的生态环境、山川秀美的自然风光、独特典型的地质资源、丰富久远的人文遗产、积淀深厚的文化内涵。沂源县发展生态旅游的劣势(Weaknesses)包括基础设施建设滞后、资金投入不足、管理体制不够理顺、缺乏旅游精品等。分析沂源县发展生态旅游的机会(Opportunities)在于地处鲁中、日益凸显的区位优势;公众旅游目的地由城市向乡村转变;拥有“沂源苹果”等知名生态品牌。进而分析沂源县发展生态旅游的威胁(Threats)在于景区竞争形势十分紧迫,促销方式相对较为单一,旅游人才严重不足等。通过SWOT矩阵分析和SWOT多要素交叉分析分析得出典型战术。 根据对沂源县旅游市场做的市场调查和细分进行分析,并参考周边沂南、蒙阴、梁山等地区景区典型发展经验,进而提出沂源县生态旅游的开发设想:首先要科学定位,明确目标,还需要加快塑造品牌、创新宣传手段、创新理顺体制、加大招商力度、完善配套设施、培养旅游人才。进而探讨了具体的规划思路和措施:搞好生态旅游项目策划、理顺管理机制,整合旅游资源,全力打造特色旅游产品,同时建立多元化投资机制,加快景区基础设施配套建设和科学有效的宣传促销机制,大力加强旅游人才建设,才能保证生态旅游和社会经济的可持续发展。随后选取“农家乐”这一沂源县较为典型的旅游产品做为案例进行了具体的发展策略研究。 结论部分总结了本文通过研究探索所得出的点滴成果及各种原因造成的遗留问题。在整个研究过程中系统论和辩证唯物的思想贯穿始终。论文以理论研究为基础,但不是一项纯理论的选题,也注重实际应用。论文不仅在理论上形成一种认识体系,在实践上也提供了一种明确的操作思路,论文借鉴旅游地理学、旅游经济学、景观生态学的研究方法和手段,揭示沂源县生态旅游发展的必然性及可行性,构建了生态旅游发展策略的理论框架,对沂源县生态旅游的发具有现实实意义。
[Abstract]:Based on the research results of experts and scholars at home and abroad and the actual situation of eco-tourism development in Yiyuan County, this paper studies the problems and development strategies of eco-tourism in Yiyuan County. Based on the SW0T analysis of the development of eco-tourism in Yiyuan County, the advantages of developing eco-tourism in Yiyuan County are reviewed firstly, including the natural and livable ecological environment. Beautiful natural scenery, unique geological resources, rich cultural heritage. The disadvantages of developing ecotourism in Yiyuan County include lagged infrastructure construction, insufficient capital investment and inadequate management system. The analysis of the opportunity of developing ecotourism in Yiyuan County lies in its geographical advantage which is increasingly prominent in the middle of Shandong Province. The public tourist destination changes from the city to the countryside; "Yiyuan apple" and other well-known ecological brands. Further analysis of the Yiyuan County to develop eco-tourism threat than the threat lies in the scenic area competition situation is very urgent, relatively simple promotion. Through SWOT matrix analysis and SWOT multi-element cross analysis, the typical tactics are obtained. Based on the analysis of the market survey and segmentation of the tourism market in Yiyuan County, and referring to the typical development experience of the surrounding areas such as Yinan, Mengyin, Liangshan and so on. And then put forward the development assumption of eco-tourism in Yiyuan County: first of all, we need to scientifically position, clear the goals, but also need to speed up the creation of brands, innovative propaganda means, innovation to rationalize the system, increase the intensity of investment, improve supporting facilities. Then it discusses the specific planning ideas and measures: to do a good job in eco-tourism project planning, to rationalize the management mechanism, to integrate tourism resources, and to create tourism products with characteristics. At the same time, we should establish a diversified investment mechanism, accelerate the construction of infrastructure facilities and scientific and effective propaganda and promotion mechanism, and vigorously strengthen the construction of tourism talents. In order to ensure the sustainable development of ecotourism and social economy, this paper chooses "Nongjiale", a typical tourism product in Yiyuan County, as a case study. The conclusion part summarizes the research results and the problems caused by all kinds of reasons. In the whole research process, the thoughts of system theory and dialectical materialism run through all the time. The thesis is based on theoretical research. Base. However, it is not a pure theoretical topic, but also pays attention to practical application. The paper not only forms a kind of understanding system in theory, but also provides a clear operational thinking in practice. The paper draws lessons from tourism geography. The research methods and means of tourism economics and landscape ecology reveal the inevitability and feasibility of the development of ecotourism in Yiyuan County and construct the theoretical framework of ecotourism development strategy. It has practical significance to the development of ecological tourism in Yiyuan County.


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