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发布时间:2018-01-05 06:18

  本文关键词:旅游怀旧及其影响因素研究 出处:《西南大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 旅游怀旧 旅游怀旧问卷 旅游动机 怀旧倾向 旅游动机问卷

【摘要】:怀旧是思念过去时复杂的心理状态,具有时间、情感、引发物等特征。当今社会随着现代化的加快,人们的学习、工作和日常生活的方方面面都与过去越来越不相同,因而怀旧也常常出现在现代人们的生活中:人们怀念简单的生活,追求粗茶淡饭,对绿色食品需求的增加;人们怀念古朴的风格,追求服饰返古、家居装饰绿色化;人们怀念过去的艺术,摄影界的“黑白艺术”和“老照片”,音乐界的老歌翻唱,电视、广播里的“难忘金曲”和“老歌回顾”,建筑界的“老房子”系列,文学界的“怀旧系列丛书”,影视界的“经典老片新拍”等不断涌现在人们的视野中。此外还有另一个重要的怀旧途径——旅游,人们既可以在紧张生活中得到休闲,又可以感受到怀旧,怀旧成为旅游中不可忽视的主题。如今,越来越多的古城、古镇、古街道成为旅游的热点目的地,人们越来越青睐先辈们留给我们的这些遗产,当过去的景物成为重要的旅游资源时,探寻人们为何进行这一类旅游的原因变得很有必要。 本研究的目的在于探寻人们在旅游中的怀旧具有什么样的特点?怎样测量人们的旅游怀旧心理?哪些因素会影响人们在旅游中的怀旧?这些问题是本研究所要解答的问题。 本研究由4个部分,6个子研究组成。第一部分通过对相关概念的解释和文献的综述,提出本研究需要解决的问题。第二部分为旅游怀旧问卷的编制,包含2个子研究。子研究1通过内容分析的方法对网络宣传信息和个人旅游记录进行研究,确定旅游怀旧相关特征。子研究2在子研究1的基础上,结合文献综述和访谈,开发包含两维度的旅游怀旧问卷。第三部分探讨了影响旅游怀旧的因素,共有4个子研究,子研究3采用自编的旅游怀旧问卷进行调查研究,考察旅游怀旧的现状特点以及人口学变量及其相关因素对旅游怀旧的影响。子研究4通过文献综述和访谈开发旅游动机问卷,并面向景点进行调查研究,探讨了旅游动机对旅游怀旧的影响。子研究5结合眼动实验探讨了怀旧倾向对旅游怀旧的认知偏向和情感的影响。子研究6探讨了怀旧倾向对旅游怀旧行为意向的影响。第四部分为总的讨论和结论,对旅游怀旧的特点及其影响因素进行探讨。 通过上述系列研究,得到以下主要结论: 1、旅游怀旧可分为两种类型:个人怀旧和历史怀旧。个人怀旧是个体对过去真实经历的怀念,以个人自传体记忆为基础,具有直接性、真实性;其怀旧的内容主要是个人过去经历的事件,同自己有关系的人和物,个人经历过的场景以及生命中过去的时光;主要由个人经历的场景和熟悉的物品所引发。历史怀旧是个体对没有经历过的过去,甚至是出生以前的过去的怀念,具有间接性、想象性;其怀旧的内容主要是过去人们生活的场景,历史上发生的事件或者是特定的历史年代的记忆;主要由古建筑、历史的场景以及相关的人、事、物所引发。 2、编制的旅游怀旧问卷包括个人怀旧和历史怀旧两个维度,问卷具有较好的信度和效度,符合心理测量学的要求,是测量旅游怀旧的一种较好工具。 3、景点类型对旅游怀旧有影响。不同景点游客的旅游怀旧存在显著的差异,自然风景类游客具有较高的个人怀旧水平,红色旅游景点的游客具有较高的历史怀旧水平。 4、旅游方式对旅游怀旧有影响,团队旅游游客的旅游怀旧显著高于自由行的游客。 5、旅游动机与旅游怀旧呈显著正相关,旅游动机中重温往昔、个人发展和愉悦身心三因素能够较好地预测总体旅游怀旧水平以及个人怀旧的水平,而个人发展、重温往昔和了解文化三因素能够较好的预测历史怀旧的水平。 6、怀旧倾向与旅游怀旧呈显著正相关,进一步的实验研究表明怀旧倾向会影响旅游怀旧的认知方式、情感和行为意向。表现为较之低怀旧倾向的个体,高怀旧倾向个体会更多地关注黑白色和黄颜色的景点图片,在观看具有怀旧属性的景点图片后情绪激活程度更高,同时会更多的选择具有高怀旧属性的景点去旅游。 本研究对旅游中怀旧心理的内容和结构进行研究,开发了评价旅游怀旧的标准化工具,对影响旅游怀旧心理的相关因素进行了初步的探讨。并采用质性和量化方法相结合的内容分析法进行研究,同时采用眼动仪器记录个体对具有怀旧属性景点图片的注意特点。研究中编制的旅游怀旧问卷和旅游动机问卷可作为基础的研究工具,研究得到的旅游怀旧现状特点及其影响因素,可以供以怀旧为主题的旅游景点建设参考。 目前的研究只是揭示旅游中怀旧心理的—部分,还存在大量的问题,有待在以后的研究中改进。未来研究的可以结合怀旧的情感特征,从更多的视角认识旅游怀旧。扩大调查研究的范围,进一步深入探讨旅游怀旧的影响因素以及心理机制,并且可以采用认知神经科学范式研究旅游怀旧的脑机制。
[Abstract]:Nostalgia is missing past complex psychological state, with time, emotion, triggers and other features. With today's social modernization accelerated, people's learning, work and all aspects of daily life are more and more with the past is not the same, so nostalgic often appear in modern people's life, people miss the simple life. The pursuit of homely fare, increasing demand for green food; people miss the simple style, the pursuit of fashion to ancient decoration, Home Furnishing green; people miss the past art photography "black art" and "old photo", music cover songs, TV, radio "unforgettable songs" and "songs review" architectural "old house" series, the literary circles "nostalgia series, film and television industry" classic films in the new film "are emerging in people's field of vision. In addition, there is another important Nostalgic way of tourism, people can get nervous in leisure life, but also can feel the nostalgia, nostalgia has become a tourist theme can not be ignored. Nowadays, more and more of the ancient city, ancient town, ancient street has become a hot tourist destination, these people are getting more and more popular heritage of our ancestors left, when the past the scene has become an important tourism resources, explore the reason why people of this type of tourism is very necessary.
The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of nostalgia in tourism. How to measure people's nostalgia psychology? What factors affect people's nostalgia in tourism? These are the questions that this research will answer.
This study is composed of 4 parts, 6 sub studies. The first part summarized through the relevant concepts and literature, this study proposes the problems need to be solved. The second part is the compilation of tourism nostalgia questionnaire, the 2 study included 1 research methods. By analyzing the content of the publicity of network information and personal travel records study the tourist nostalgia related features. 2 in sub study 1 basic research, combined with literature review and interviews, including two dimensions of tourism development. The third part discusses the nostalgia questionnaire of influential factors of tourism nostalgia, a total of 4 sub study, 3 sub study using a self-designed questionnaire of nostalgic tourism the effects of tourism, nostalgic characteristics and demographic variables and related factors on Tourism nostalgia. Sub study by literature review and interview 4 tourism development motivation, and oriented attractions for adjustment The investigation, discusses the impact of tourism motivation on Tourism nostalgia. Sub study to investigate the effect of 5 with the eye movement experiment of nostalgic nostalgic tourism cognitive bias and emotion. To investigate the effect of 6 sub study on the behavioral intention of nostalgia nostalgia tourism. The fourth part is the general discussion and conclusion, discusses the characteristics and influencing factors on the tourism nostalgia.
Through the series of studies mentioned above, the following main conclusions are obtained:
1, nostalgic tourism can be divided into two types: personal nostalgia and historical nostalgia. Personal nostalgia of the past is the individual real experience in personal memory, autobiographical memory based, has direct, its authenticity; nostalgia is the main content of past personal experience, their relationship with the people and things, man experienced in life scenes and the past time; caused mainly by personal experience and familiar with the scene objects. Historical nostalgia is the individual has not experienced in the past, even before the birth of the past, is indirect, like; the nostalgia is the main content of the past people life scene. The events of history or specific historical memory; mainly by ancient buildings, historical scenes and related people, things, things triggered.
2, the compilation of tourism nostalgia questionnaire includes two dimensions of personal nostalgia and historical nostalgia. The questionnaire has good reliability and validity, accords with the requirements of psychometrics, and is a good tool for measuring nostalgia in tourism.
3, scenic spots have an impact on Tourism nostalgia. There are significant differences in tourist nostalgia among different scenic spots. Natural scenery tourists have higher personal nostalgia level, and tourists from red scenic spots have higher nostalgia level.
4, the mode of tourism has an impact on the nostalgia of tourism, and the tourist nostalgia of the team tourist is significantly higher than that of the free traveler.
5, tourism motivation was positively correlated with the tourism nostalgia, tourism motivation to relive the past, personal development and physical and mental pleasure three factors can predict the overall level of tourism and the level of personal nostalgia nostalgia, and personal development, back to the old days and understanding of cultural three factors can predict the level of historical nostalgia.
6, nostalgia was positively correlated with the tourism nostalgia, further experimental studies show that cognitive style will affect tourism nostalgia nostalgia, emotion and behavior intention. As compared with low nostalgia proneness individuals experience a high nostalgic tendency to pay more attention to the black and white and yellow color pictures, watching with pictures nostalgic attraction attribute emotional activation degree is higher, and has high property more choice of attractions of nostalgia to travel.
The research on the content and structure of psychological nostalgia of tourism, standardized tools and evaluation of tourism related factors on the impact of nostalgia, nostalgia tourism were discussed. And by using qualitative and quantitative methods combined with content analysis method to study the eye movement recording instrument has the characteristics of individual attention nostalgic attribute pictures. Research the attractions in the establishment of the tourism and tourism motivation questionnaire questionnaire nostalgia can be used as the basis, characteristics and influence factors of tourism status of nostalgia, for nostalgia themed construction of tourist attractions.
The present study is part of the nostalgia tourism reveals that there is still a lot of problems need to be improved in the future research. The future research can be combined with the emotional characteristics of nostalgia, nostalgia awareness tourism from more perspectives. Expand the scope of investigation and study, further probe into tourism nostalgia factor and psychological mechanism. And can be used in cognitive neuroscience research paradigm of brain mechanism tourism nostalgia.



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