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发布时间:2018-01-05 18:02

  本文关键词:渝东南旅游演艺发展与人力资源开发研究 出处:《重庆师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 旅游产品 RMP 演艺人力资源发

【摘要】:旅游演艺是近年来逐渐兴起的,具有巨大潜力的文化旅游产品,因其独特的地方文化特质以及较高的艺术审美价值,受到了广大游客的青睐。目前关于旅游演艺的研究尚不十分深入,也未形成一套具有说服力的理论体系。深入研究旅游演艺,特别是民族地区旅游演艺具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。 本文以人力资源开发理论为基础,借鉴民族学、旅游文化学、文化地理学、旅游人类学等相关理论与方法对渝东南旅游演艺作初步的系统研究,旨在综合分析渝东南旅游业发展的资源、市场与产品的有机关系,从中探讨旅游演艺中人力资源开发现状、问题,并提出开发原则与策略。本文以RMP分析理论作为主要分析框架,同时借鉴旅游可持续发展理论、旅游产品周期理论、真实性理论等相关观点,围绕着渝东南地区旅游演艺业现状,情境化地对旅游演艺业的运行模式与方法展开深入研究,从中探讨旅游演艺中人力资源开发的特殊性、现状及问题,并提出相应的对策措施。具体研究内容分四部分: 第一部分为绪论,从国内旅游演艺研究背景出发,综合分析国内旅游演艺发展现状与存在的问题,在此基础上提出本文的研究重点。第二部分着重于基础理论的分析与解释。介绍和分析人力资源开发基础理论,并分析这些理论对本文的指导与借鉴意义;分析RMP分析理论和旅游经济相关理论,并作出理论评价,阐释说明理论与研究主题的切合性与解释力;以及旅游演艺的RMP分析对于渝东南旅游发展的意义。第三部分根据RMP分析理论,深入解读渝东南的旅游资源、旅游客源市场以及旅游产品开发现状,并进行较深入的分析。其于RMP分析,试图提出渝东南旅游演艺产品开发的战略及产品体系的构建策略。第四部分提出渝东南旅游演艺业发展可能遇到重大的问题以及解决问题的主要措施。 本文的主要结论是: 渝东南旅游演艺产品开发最重要的基础是传承于渝东南地区的民族民间文化,地方文化对外地游客产生极大的吸引力。文化旅游资源、游客市场对地区局部关注,成为文化旅游产品研发的重要方向与借鉴。文化旅游最终产品则与地区文化旅游资源与客源市场相互结合的节点。三者的有机结合,才是最合理的文化旅游产品,文化旅游才能满足游客需求以及旅游开发方的利润最大化。人力资源开发归根到底是人才战略的研究,而在旅游演艺行业中,演艺人才既是不可缺少的文化旅游资源,也是行业发展的核心人才。旅游演艺是立足于地方文化特色,经过艺术创作而形成的新型文化旅游产品。因此,地方文化遗产传承人在旅游演艺中扮演着十分重要的角色。 分析渝东南地区旅游演艺产品的开发现状与影响因素,从中发现开发旅游演艺,资源与产品、资源与市场、市场与产品之间存在着较大的冲突和矛盾。从人力资源开发的角度,在旅游演艺中最核心的人力资源则是旅游演艺产品的核心资源。这个核心资源在目前却深受全球化、现代化潮流冲击。面临着十分尴尬的发展局面。保护与开发地方文化遗产传承人,是旅游演艺人力资源开发研究所要解决的重大问题之一。 通过旅游RMP框架以及人力资源开发理论分析,可以有效地把握旅游演艺与人力资源开发的现状,分析旅游演艺发展困境的深层次原因。研究发现,渝东南旅游演艺的人力资源开发,,可以通过旅游的发展进一步保护及弘扬渝东南地方文化。本文据此提出以渝东南文化内涵为主线开发与整合文化旅游产品,以渝东南地区旅游为载体开发旅游产品,形成具有核心竞争力的文化旅游产品,并以渝东南旅游演艺的环境营造与保护,价值评估与导向方面设定其开发原则,在保护人才、保护环境、优化结构、市场营销以及整体开发等方面确定开发策略,才能又快又好地促进渝东南旅游演艺的健康发展。
[Abstract]:Tourism is gradually on the rise in recent years, with great potential for cultural tourism products, because of its unique local cultural characteristics and high aesthetic value, by the majority of tourists favor. At present the research about tourismacting is not very deep, also did not form a persuasive theoretical system for in-depth study of tourism. The performing arts, especially has important theoretical and practical significance of Tourism Performing Arts in ethnic minority areas.
This paper is based on the theory of human resource development from ethnology, cultural tourism, cultural tourism geography, anthropology and other related theories and methods to make a preliminary study of Southeast Chongqing tourism performance, to the comprehensive analysis of the development of Southeast Chongqing tourism resources, the organic relationship between market and product, to investigate the current situation of human resources development, tourism entertainment in the problem, and put forward the principles and Strategies of development. Based on the RMP analysis theory as the main analysis framework, and use the theory of sustainable development of tourism, tourism product life cycle theory, theory of authenticity theory, around the status of Tourism Performing industry in Southeast area of Chongqing, in-depth research situation of tourism showbiz operation mode with the method, to explore the particularity of human resources development in the Tourism Performing Arts in the status quo and problems, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures. The concrete research content is divided into four parts Branch:
The first part is the introduction, starting from the background of domestic tourism performing research, comprehensive analysis of Domestic Tourism Performing Arts Development Present Situation and existing problems, put forward on the basis of the focus of this paper. The analysis and interpretation of second part focuses on the basic theory. The introduction and analysis of the development of the basic theory of human resources, and to guide the analysis of these theories in this paper and reference; RMP analysis theory and tourism economic theory, and made theoretical evaluation, explains the theory and research subject with sex explanation; and Tourism Performing RMP analysis for tourism development in Southeast Chongqing significance. The third part according to the theory of RMP analysis, in-depth interpretation of Southeast Chongqing tourism resources, tourist market and status quo of tourism product development, and in-depth analysis. The RMP analysis, tries to put forward the Southeast Chongqing Tourism Performing product development strategy and product. The fourth part puts forward the major problems that may be encountered in the development of tourism entertainment industry in Southeast Chongqing and the main measures to solve the problem.
The main conclusions of this paper are as follows:
Based in Southeast Chongqing Tourism Performing products development is the most important heritage in the southeast area of Chongqing ethnic folk culture, local culture has a great attraction to the tourists. The cultural tourism resources, tourist market of local concern, become an important cultural tourism product development and reference to cultural tourism products. The final node combined with area cultural tourism resources and tourist market. The organic combination of the three, is the most reasonable cultural tourism products, cultural tourism can satisfy the maximum needs of tourists and tourism development of human resource development profits. After all is to study the strategy of talents, and in the tourism performing industry, talent is an indispensable cultural tourism resources. Also the development of the industry. The core talents of Tourism Performing Art is based on local cultural characteristics, through artistic creation and the formation of new cultural tourism. Therefore, the inheritor of the local cultural heritage plays a very important role in the tourism performance.
Analysis of factors of current situation of the development of Southeast Chongqing Tourism Performing products and influence, find the development Tourism Performing Arts, resources and products, resources and markets, there are big conflicts and contradictions between market and products. From the perspective of human resources development in the tourism, performing the most core of the human resource is the core resource of Tourism Performing Art the product. The core resources in the present but by globalization, modernization tide impact. Facing a very embarrassing situation. The protection and development of the local cultural heritage, is one of the major problems of Tourism Performing human resource development to be solved.
Travel through the RMP framework and the theory of human resource development analysis, can effectively grasp the status quo of Tourism Arts and human resources development, analyze the reasons of tourism development of performing difficulties. The study found that human resource development in Southeast Chongqing tourism performance, through tourism development further and promote the protection of local culture in Southeast Chongqing. This paper puts forward to the southeast of Chongqing cultural connotation for the integration of main development and cultural tourism products in Southeast Chongqing tourism as the carrier of tourism product development, has formed the core competitiveness of the cultural tourism products, and to the environment and the protection of Southeast Chongqing tourism performance, value evaluation and guidance to set the principle of development, in the protection of personnel, protect the environment, optimize the structure, marketing and overall development to determine the development strategy, in order to quickly and effectively promote the healthy development of tourism in Southeast Chongqing Show.



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