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发布时间:2018-01-05 18:19

  本文关键词:云台山品牌传播战略研究 出处:《郑州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 品牌 旅游品牌 品牌传播 云台山

【摘要】:在这个产品极大丰富的消费时代,如果没有品牌,消费者的选择将会无所适从。品牌,从具有标识意义的商标发展而来,其意义却不仅仅限于法律保护和商品识别,还具有强大的促销和经营功能。随着市场经济的发展,品牌观念已经突破了传统的“商品”阈限,有形产品具有品牌,无形的服务也具有品牌,一个企业有企业品牌,一个城市也有形象品牌。近年来我国社会经济的发展激发了民众极大的消费热情,人们不光购买各种商品,也开始更加注重娱乐休闲消费,旅游产业也随之而有了迅速发展,旅游市场上的竞争也越来越激烈。在此种背景下,打造知名旅游品牌已然成为旅游目的地、旅游企业营销制胜的关键。 河南省历史文化资源深厚,自然资源丰富,又是贯通南北、连接东西的中心地区,旅游产业已经成为中原区域经济中的重要一极。根据中国旅游研究院《中国区域旅游发展年度报告(2012-2013)》,河南在旅游景区指数中排名第五,少林寺、云台山、龙门石窟等知名旅游品牌显示了较强的吸引带动作用。美国整合营销传播理论大师唐·E·舒尔茨曾说过,“营销可以说就是传播,而传播几乎就是营销”。一个旅游品牌的建立、发展和成熟,不仅是一种经济现象,也同样是一种传播现象。 本文以传播学的视角来研究河南旅游业的龙头景区——云台山的品牌传播战略,希望能够从中总结云台山品牌传播过程中的经验、不足,为云台山旅游产业以及河南省旅游产业的进一步发展提供些许借鉴。论文的第一部分主要介绍研究背景及云台山景区概况。论文第二部分以品牌及品牌传播理论为基础,结合旅游品牌相关理论,对云台山品牌的特殊性及云台山品牌构成要素进行了分析。论文第三部分分别就云台山品牌定位策略、纵向的云台山品牌建设和横向的品牌一体化推进策略进行了分析。论文第四部分通过问卷对云台山品牌传播效果做出了简单的评估。在此基础上,论文的第五部分总结了云台山品牌传播的成功经验,为河南省其他旅游景区的品牌建设提供借鉴经验。第六部分指出了新传播环境下云台山旅游产业转型升级所面临的挑战,并提出了应对策略。
[Abstract]:This product greatly enriched the consumption era, if there is no brand, the consumer's choice will be at a loss. The brand, from the development of the trademark has the identity and meaning, its meaning is not limited to the legal protection and identification of goods, but also has a strong promotion and management. With the development of market economy, brand concept has broken through the traditional "commodity" threshold, tangible products with the brand, intangible services also has a corporate brand, corporate brand, a city also has the image of the brand. In recent years, China's economic and social development has inspired enthusiastic consumption, people not only to buy goods, also began to pay more attention to entertainment and leisure consumption, tourism the industry also has a rapid development, the tourism market competition is increasingly fierce. In such a background, create a famous tourism brand has become a tourist destination, tourism The key to the success of enterprise marketing.
Henan Province, rich historical and cultural resources, abundant natural resources, is a north-south, linking the East and central area, the tourism industry has become an important part of the regional economy. According to the Chinese Tourism Research Institute "Chinese regional tourism development annual report (2012-2013)", Henan ranked fifth in the scenic spots in Yuntai Mountain, Shaolin Temple index. Longmen Grottoes and other famous tourism brand shows a strong leading role. The attraction of integrated marketing communication theory master Tang E Schultz once said, "marketing can be said to be spread, and spread is almost marketing. To establish a tourism brand, development and mature, is not only an economic phenomenon, is also a the spread of the phenomenon.
Brand communication strategy based on communication from the perspective of the tourism industry in Henan -- leading scenic spot in Yuntai Mountain, hoping to summarize the experience in the process of Yuntai Mountain brand communication, from insufficient, provide some reference for the further development of Yuntai Mountain tourism industry and tourism industry in Henan province. The first part mainly introduces the research background and overview of the Yuntai Mountain scenic area the second part is on the basis of brand and brand communication theory, combined with the related theory of Yuntai Mountain tourism brand, brand and particularity of Yuntai Mountain brand elements are analyzed. The third part is the Yuntai Mountain brand positioning strategy, brand building Yuntai Mountain longitudinal and horizontal integration to promote brand strategy are analyzed in the fourth part of the thesis. Through the questionnaire on Yuntai Mountain brand communication effect makes a simple evaluation. On this basis, the The fifth part summarizes the successful experience of brand communication in Yuntai Mountain, and provides experience for other tourist attractions in Henan. The sixth part points out the challenges faced by Yuntai Mountain's tourism industry transformation and upgrading under new communication environment, and puts forward countermeasures.



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1 蔡善柱;试论旅游品牌开发[J];安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版);2004年03期

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1 李岚林;旅游目的地品牌营销研究[D];吉首大学;2012年




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